How do I contact PA DMV?
Please call 717-412-5300. Language translation assistance is available. TTY callers — please dial 711 to reach us. Customer Call Center Hours: Monday through Friday (except holidays), from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. E.T.
What is the zip code for Natrona Heights PA?
15014Natrona Heights / Zip code
What do I need to renew my license in PA?
Renew your license in person
- Complete the Non-Commercial Driver’s License Application for Renewal (Form DL-143) or your renewal invitation (DL60A/DL60R)
- Have your photo taken.
- Present your Social Security card.
- Show identification (your current PA driver’s license, passport, or photo ID card)
- Pay the $30.50 renewal fee.
Do you have to make an appointment for the DMV in Pennsylvania?
Unfortunately, the PA DMV currently only offers appointments for written and driving tests; you’ll have to contact your nearest DMV location for more information.
Do I need to make an appointment for the DMV PA?
No. You do not need an appointment. Just go to your nearest Driver License Center.
What is the population of Natrona Heights Pennsylvania?
Natrona Heights (zip 15065)’s population is 11,289 people. Since 2020, it has had a population growth of 0.1%.
What is the zip code for New Kensington PA?
New Kensington/Zip codes
How do I renew my drivers license in PA during Covid-19?
PennDOT says non-commercial driver’s license and photo ID card holders may renew their product online, providing there are no corrections or changes other than a change of address, by visiting Both non-commercial and commercial drivers may renew their products through the mail.
Can I renew my PA driver’s license online?
Individuals age 65 or older have the option of renewing their license every two years, instead of standard four years. NOTE: Non-commercial drivers have the option to renew online, providing there are no corrections or changes other than a change of address.
Can I renew my PA driver’s Licence online?
What county is Natrona Heights in?
Allegheny CountyNatrona Heights / County
When was Natrona Heights founded?
Harrison Township was incorporated in 1900 and had several neighborhoods; Natrona was there first, and as people started moving “up on the hill” they started new neighborhoods such a Ducktown, Birdville, Campton and Pughtown, all of which eventually became Natrona Heights.