Is Pantheon good league?
The Unbreakable Spear, Pantheon is one of the most versatile champions in League of Legends. While traditionally played as a top champion, Pantheon can be played in the mid lane and even support.
What should I buy for the Pantheon?
Pantheon uses a mixture of both damage and tank items that work well with his kit. Black Cleaver is a great item for Pantheon. You can combo Empowered Shield Vault, auto-attack, and your Comet Spear to get the full 5 stacks of armor reduction on the enemy.
Who beats Pantheon in lane?
Pantheon wins lane against
Name | Gold diff @15 |
Kayle Top | +554 |
Thresh Support | +468 |
Katarina Mid | +423 |
Sylas Mid |
Is Pantheon a good carry?
Pantheon is one of the few champions that can be viable both as a support and in the mid lane. The champion was originally a mid-game carry bruiser, but players quickly figured out that he can also be a niche pick as a support.
Who beats Pantheon mid?
Pantheon counter tips
- Cassiopeia. 57.0% 114.
- Ekko. 56.6% 145.
- Viktor. 54.3% 512.
- Akshan. 53.7% 162.
- Swain. 53.4% 178.
- Malzahar. 52.3% 130.
- Vex. 52.1% 117.
- Veigar. 51.1% 333.
Does Pantheon scale with AP?
Considering that Pantheon has not 1, BUT 2 AP scaling abilities (both @100% from AP), we can safely assume that he can be built as an AP champion. Obviously, this is waaaay off-meta, boarder-line troll build. However, it is quite FUN and QUITE VIABLE – viable mostly because you will be filling the support role.
Is Pantheon good to Main?
Pantheon is mainly valuable because of his CC and engagement tools, making him valuable and an efficient pick as a support. He will lose out on damage, but the CC and engage will remain. In the mid lane, there are currently better carry options such as Zed and Talon.
Is Pantheon a late game champ?
Pantheon is an early game champion whos early game is so OP it keeps him relevant mid game. Renekton is a mid game champion whos mid game is so OP that it spills over to early game.