Is Synthetization a word?
To form or produce by chemical synthesis.
What does synthetically mean?
(Entry 1 of 2) : of, relating to, or produced by chemical or biochemical synthesis especially : produced artificially synthetic drugs synthetic dyes.
What is a synonym for synthesize?
In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for synthesize, like: incorporate, arrange, manufacture, unify, synthesis, amalgamate, combine, integrate, divide, blend and coordinate.
Which statement best describes a synthon?
Yes, it is that correct answer. Sinton is called as a transition state involved in a reaction mechanism.
What do you mean by Chemoselectivity?
IUPAC defines chemoselectivity as “the preferential reaction of a chemical reagent with one of two or more different functional groups,” a definition which describes in rather understated terms the single greatest obstacle to complex molecule synthesis.
Is it synthesize or synthesise?
verb (used without object), syn·the·sized, syn·the·siz·ing. to make or form a synthesis.
What analyzation means?
Definition of analyzation : the act or an instance of analyzing something : a result of analyzing something : analysis The system has also allowed for data collection and analyzation …—
What’s the meaning of chicle?
Definition of chicle : a gum from the latex of the sapodilla used as the chief ingredient of chewing gum.
What does analytically mean?
/ˌæn.əˈlɪt̬.ɪ.kəl.i/ in a way that involves studying or examining things in detail, in order to discover more about them: The research is analytically rigorous/sloppy. Some people are better than others at thinking analytically.
What is synthesising in writing?
What is a synthesis? A synthesis is a written discussion incorporating support from several sources of differing views. This type of assignment requires that you examine a variety of sources and identify their relationship to your thesis.
What is the best synonym for synthetic?
- fabricated.
- manufactured.
- counterfeit.
- ersatz.
- fake.
- makeshift.
- mock.
- phony.
What is Diastereoselectivity?
A diastereoselective reaction is one in which one diastereomer is formed in preference to another (or in which a subset of all possible diastereomers dominates the product mixture), establishing a preferred relative stereochemistry.
What does Regiospecific mean?
Medical Definition of regiospecific : being a chemical reaction in which one structural isomer is produced exclusively when other isomers are also theoretically possible.
What is the synonym of analyze?
In this page you can discover 60 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for analyze, like: examine, scrutinize, investigate, dissect, analyse, separate, decompound, take-apart, study, resolve into elements and explain.
How do you spell Chickle?
a gumlike substance obtained from the latex of certain tropical American trees, as the sapodilla, used chiefly in the manufacture of chewing gum.