What is emotional labor According to Hochschild and Pierce?
Emotional labor was first defined by Hochschild (1983) as “the management of feeling to cre- ate a publicly observable facial and bodily display” in the context of service work.
What does Hochschild argue about the social construction of emotions?
Hochschild uses an interactionist perspective, although one that makes emotions and feeling a central focus of her study. She argues that emotions are social and can act as signals concerning the relation between the environment and the self.
How does Arlie Hochschild define emotion work?
What Is Emotional Labor? Sociologist Arlie Hochschild coined the concept of emotional labor in her famous book, The Managed Heart (1983). Emotional labor occurs when employees introduce or suppress emotions in order to portray themselves in a certain light that, in turn, produces a wanted state of mind in another.
What is emotion management Hochschild?
Hochschild tells us that the way feelings are managed is a bit different than other self cues—it involves deep acting, self-induced feelings and emotional responses. To manage emotions socially, we exhort ourselves, we induce emotion through imagining emotional memories, and we use personal props.
Who coined the term emotional labour?
It was first coined by the sociologist Arlie Hochschild in her 1983 book on the topic, The Managed Heart. Emotional labor, as she conceived it, referred to the work of managing one’s own emotions that was required by certain professions.
What are the three things emotional labor involves?
Jobs involving emotional labor are defined as those that:
- require face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact with the public.
- require the worker to produce an emotional state in another person.
- allow the employer, through training and supervision, to exercise a degree of control over the emotional activities of employees.
What is emotional labor in sociology?
Emotional labor refers to the process by which workers are expected to manage their feelings in accordance with organizationally defined rules and guidelines.
How are workers alienated according to both Marx and Hochschild?
Hochschild appears to argue that emotional labour elicits a more profound form of alienation than even Marx imagined. This is because the majority of workers can only cope with their estrangement by ‘fusing’ their commercialised selves with their real, ‘private sphere’ selves.
What is an example of emotional labour?
Here are a few examples of emotional labor in the workplace: The insistence that employees always smile at customers and/or act “peppy” Prevention of response to a customer when they treat an employee rudely or inappropriately. Punishment if an employee reacts after being treated unfairly or inappropriately.
What is the difference between emotional labor and emotional work?
While emotion work happens within the private sphere, emotional labor is emotion management within the workplace according to employer expectations.
What are the types of emotional labor?
There are two types of emotional labour strategies: surface acting and deep acting. In surface acting, “people are showing, or trying to show, a different emotion than the ones that they are truly experiencing,” explains Dr. Badali.
What is emotional labour explain with an example?
They center around employees needing to manage their emotions and not express them to others. Here are a few examples of emotional labor in the workplace: The insistence that employees always smile at customers and/or act “peppy” Prevention of response to a customer when they treat an employee rudely or inappropriately.
What are the two types of emotional labor?
There are two types of emotional labour strategies: surface acting and deep acting.
What defines emotional labor?
Emotional labour means many things to many people. But, put simply, it’s when someone feels the need to suppress their own emotions. The term was first used in 1983, when American sociologist Arlie Hochschild wrote about it in her book, The Managed Heart.
How do you explain emotional labor?
Emotional labor is unpaid, often invisible work that a person is compelled to do by others to keep them happy.
What are types of emotional labour?
What is alienated labor according to Marx?
Definition: Alienation. ALIENATION (Marx) : the process whereby the worker is made to feel foreign to the products of his/her own labor.
What causes emotional labor?
Emotional labor is generally defined as the act of expressing organizationally desired emotion during the service transactions, and is caused by the difference between the actual emotional state experienced by the employee and the emotional expression required by the organization’s emotional expression norms for …
What is an example of emotional Labour?
Which best defines emotional labor?
Which of the following best describes the difference between emotional labor and emotional dissonance? Emotional labor is displaying emotions because your job requires you to do so; emotional dissonance is the tension between your displayed and felt emotions.