What is the Passagem?
British English: passage /ˈpæsɪdʒ/ NOUN. corridor A passage is a long, narrow space between walls or fences connecting one room or place with another.
What is Estudante in English?
British English: student /ˈstjuːdnt/ NOUN. A student is a person who is studying at a university, college, or school.
What is the meaning of Ciencias?
British English: science /ˈsaɪəns/ NOUN. Science is the study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them.
What is the meaning of Feriado?
[feˈrjadu] masculine noun. (public) holiday (BRIT) , vacation (US)
How do you say student in Tagalog?
Student translate to Tagalog meanings: mag-aaral. In other words, mag-aaral in Tagalog is Student in English.
How do you spell holiday in Spanish?
Spanish translation of ‘holiday’
- to take a holiday tomarse unas vacaciones.
- holidays with pay vacaciones fpl retribuidas.
- tomorrow is a holiday mañana es fiesta.
- to declare a day a holiday declarar un día festivo.
What is bully in Tagalog?
Meaning of Bully in Tagalog is : maton.
What is the Tagalog of Strand?
The English word “strand” can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: Best translation for the English word strand in Tagalog: hiblá [noun] strand of thread; thread; fiber more…
How do you say Happy Holidays in Mexico?
Feliz Navidad (Happy Christmas) and Prospero Año Nuevo (Prosperous New Year) are expressions that are used freely and sincerely at every possible opportunity throughout the festive season.
How do you end a letter in Spanish?
Closing Your Letter
- Saludos (Greetings)
- Un saludo cordial/Saludos cordiales (Best wishes)
- Sinceramente (Sincerely)
- Muy atentamente/Muy cordialmente (Yours sincerely)
What is bash Tagalog?
The English word “bash” can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: 1.) hanásh – [noun] event; happening; bash; (slang) more… 2.) ibásh – [verb] to bash someone/something (talk bad about) (slang/informal); * Taglish verb using the English word “bash” more…
What is hack in Tagalog?
The English word “hack” can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: 1.) undayán – [verb] to hack (chop) something more… 2.) tumagâ – [verb] to chop; to cut; to hack more…
What is school strand?
The term ‘strands’ is used to indicate: (a) the disciplines within a learning area, e.g. history, geography, economics and civics under ‘social studies’, each with its own associated goals for learning; (b) domains that group the related general and specific learning outcomes or achievement aims and objectives within a …
What is Mexico Christmas greeting?
Traditional Spanish Christmas Greetings The greetings you’ll see most often around the Christmas season are “¡Feliz Navidad!” (Happy Christmas) and “¡Felices Fiestas!” (Happy Holidays).
What is a Mexican Christmas called?
Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas), from Mexico! Las Posadas is an important Mexican tradition during the holidays–complete with prayer, music, food, and piñatas. Las Posadas, a nine-night celebration from December 16th to 24th, is an important part of Christmas celebrations in Mexico.
What is a Busher?
busher (plural bushers) (US, baseball, slang) A major league baseball player who has recently come from a small league.