What does 73 mean in CB lingo?
At the end of a contact with a friend, most hams will call out a hearty “73.” It’s so popular that you may see ham radio operators sign “73” at the bottom of an email or even social media post. The formal definition of 73 is “Best Regards” – it’s a nice way to say goodbye that is unique to amateur radio.
What does 5 and 9 mean ham radio?
For example, a signal of “5 9” means that the phone signal is Readability 5, and Strength 9; a perfectly readable and extremely strong signal. The term “S-9” is also used to report a Strength 9 for an extremely strong signal.
What is 88 in ham radio?
73 is an old telegraph code that means “best regards”. 73, as well as 88 (which means “hugs and kisses”) are part of the language of ham radio.
What does QST mean in ham radio?
Suggest new definition. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Slang/chat, popular culture.
What does CQ mean in ham radio?
I wish to contact any amateur station
Morse Code (CW)+ The best way to start with CW is to tune around until you hear someone calling CQ. CQ means, “I wish to contact any amateur station.” When answering a CQer you should zero beat the other ham’s frequency. That means setting your transmit frequency as close to theirs as possible.
What does barefoot mean in ham radio?
In Ham-speak, the word “barefoot” has nothing to do with going shoeless in the shack. It means transmitting without the aid of an amplifier.
Can I call police on ham radio?
Yes and no — many ham radios are “wide band receive” capable, meaning they can receive outside of the ham bands. These extra receive frequencies sometimes include police frequencies. In some states, it is illegal to listen on those frequencies, but an exception is made for amateur radio operators and some others.
What does 59 mean in ham?
An example RST report for a voice transmission is “59”, usually pronounced “five nine” or “five by nine”, a report that indicates a perfectly readable and very strong signal.
What does CQ stand for in ham radio?
What’s a code 33?
A Code 33 restricts a radio frequency to emergency transmissions only. A Code 33 can be requested by a deputy or initiated by the dispatcher under certain circumstances. Normally, a Code 33 will be issued on Sheriff’s Frequency 1 since most emergency transmissions originate on this frequency.
What does the H in ham radio stand for?
Amateur radio operators are also known as radio amateurs or hams. The term “ham” as a pejorative nickname for amateur radio operators was first heard in 1909 by operators in commercial and professional radio communities. The word was subsequently embraced by the operators, and stuck.
What means QTH?
(radio slang, question) What is your position in latitude and longitude (or according to any other indication)? (radio slang, statement) My position is …
What does CQDX mean?
In amateur radio usage, a CQ call can be qualified by appending more letters, as in CQ DX (meaning “calling all stations located in a different continent to the caller”), or the ITU call sign prefix for a particular country (e.g. CQ VK for “calling Australia”).
What is a 73 code on a ham radio?
The ham radio 73 code is from the Phillips code. The latter is a string of numeric messages that were created for cutting the transmission time during radio communication. One of the earliest documents that show the meaning of the 73 code in ham radio is the National Telegraphic Review Operator’s Guide.
What does 73 mean on a Morse code?
On morse code you want your transmissions to be as short as possible and so they have developed codes for frequent words or phrases. 73 is the code for best wishes, sincerely, etc.
What does 73 mean in a text message?
The usage of “73” for such a purpose comes from the Phillips Code, originally devised in the era of telegraphs to speed up transmission of common messages by mapping them to numbers. “73” mapped to “best regards” or “my compliments” and was intended as a general valediction for transmitted messages.