Where did Timorese people come from?
INTRODUCTION. The Timorese people live on the island of Timor in Southeast Asia and also on some nearby islands. Because of their colonial history —the Portuguese occupying the eastern half of the island and several enclaves in the west and the Dutch the remainder —important differences have emerged over time.
Who were the victims of the East Timor genocide?
In June 1976, TNI troops badly battered by a Fretilin attack exacted retribution against a large refugee camp housing 5–6,000 Timorese at Lamaknan near the West Timor border. After setting several houses on fire, Indonesian soldiers massacred as many as 4,000 men, women and children.
Why did the East Timor genocide start?
In an attempt to terrorize the populace to vote against independence, the army unleashed local paramilitary forces known as ninjas to murder hundreds of people. Despite this effort, 78.5% of East Timorese voted for independence, setting off another round of massacres.
What race are East Timor people?
Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese particularly Cantonese people and Europeans particularly Portuguese people descent.
Who are the indigenous people of Timor-Leste?
The Indigenous Peoples that comprise Timor-Leste’s ethnic groups fall into two main categories of origin: Malayo-Polynesian and Papuan origin. 1 The ethnic groups of Malayo-Polynesian origin are the Tetum, the Mambai, the Tukudede, the Galoli, the Kenmak, and the Baikeno.
Who are the indigenous people of East Timor?
What is the largest ethnic group in Timor-Leste?
Among the largest ethnic groups are the Tetum whose language is one of the country’s two official languages (the other being Portuguese). They live mainly around Dili and on the neighbouring northern coast. The Mambae who may constitute around 8 percent live mainly in the central mountains.
What heritage are most of the population of Filipinos?
the Philippines collectively are called Filipinos. The ancestors of the vast majority of the population were of Malay descent and came from the Southeast Asian mainland as well as from what is now Indonesia. Contemporary Filipino society consists of nearly 100 culturally and linguistically distinct ethnic groups.
What religion is East Timor?
According to the 2015 census, 97.6 percent of the population is Catholic, 1.96 percent Protestant, and less than 1 percent Muslim. Protestant denominations include the Assemblies of God, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Seventh-day Adventists, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Christian Vision Church.
Apa yang terjadi di Timor Timur?
Terjadi serangkaian peristiwa menegangkan di Timor Timur, antara lain eksodus massal warga pendatang, kekerasan di Gereja Liquica yang menyebabkan ratusan orang harus mengungsi, hingga kerusuhan besar di Dili yang menelan korban jiwa. Baca juga: Tragedi Santa Cruz dan Sejarah Kekerasan Indonesia di Timor Leste.
Mengapa pulau Timor bagian timur belum menjadi bagian dari Indonesia?
Oleh karena itulah wilayah Timor Timur atau pulau Timor bagian timur belum menjadi bagian dari Indonesia sejak awal, berbeda dengan pulau Timor bagian barat yang dikuasai Belanda atau yang nantinya menjadi provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Kemenangan Jepang atas Belanda pada 1942 mengubah situasi di Timor.
Siapa Gubernur Timor Timur?
Sebagai bukti tertulis diterimanya Timor Timur menjadi provinsi ke-27 Indonesia, Presiden mengeluarkan UU No. 7 Tahun 1976. Arnodo Dos Reis Araujo bersama Fransisco Xavier Lopez Da Cruz menjadi pasangan gubernur dan wakilnya yang perdana.
Mengapa timortimur merubah namanya menjadi Timor Leste?
Sejak saat itulah, Timor Timur merubah namanya menjadi Timor Leste dan menghapus segala kenangan bersama NKRI. Bahasa yang digunakan di Timor Leste adalah Portugal. Sementara itu, mata uang yang diberlakukan di negara tersebut yaitu Dollar Amerika. Adat istiadat dibuat sebisa mungkin lebih condong ke daerah sendiri atau Portugal.