How do you facilitate Seeking Safety?
Examples of Seeking Safety topics include, Honesty, Creating Meaning, Setting Boundaries in Relationships, Taking Good Care of Yourself, Compassion, Coping with Triggers, Healing from Anger, and Recovery Thinking.
What are the four content areas in Seeking Safety?
Four content areas: cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, and case management. Attention to clinician processes (helping clinicians work on their emotional responses, self-care, and other issues)
Is Seeking Safety an evidence based treatment?
Seeking Safety is an evidence-based model, with over 45 published research articles and consistently positive results. For all studies, go to, section Evidence. Studies include pilots, randomized controlled trials, multi- site trials.
What is the purpose of Seeking Safety?
Seeking Safety is a present-focused therapy that helps clients attain safety from trauma (including PTSD) and substance abuse by emphasizing coping skills, grounding techniques, and education.
What is the primary emphasis in Seeking Safety model?
The primary goal of the Seeking Safety model is assisting participants in attaining safety in their relationships, thinking, behavior, and emotions.
How are the topics in Seeking Safety classified?
Seeking Safety is based on five central ideas: (1) Safety as the priority of treatment. (2) Integrated treatment. (3) A focus on ideals. (4) Four content areas: cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, and case management.
How effective is Seeking Safety?
Seeking Safety, a manualized, integrated, cognitive-behavioural treatment, has been shown to be effective in studies in the USA. Objective: To test the efficacy of Seeking Safety plus treatment as usual (TAU) in female outpatients with PTSD and SUD compared to Relapse Prevention Training (RPT) plus TAU and TAU alone.
How many sessions is Seeking Safety?
A 2011 study from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that most Seeking Safety patients are treated with an average of 12 to 25 sessions. The study showed that SS was effective in treating those with co-occurring substance abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder.
What is the primary emphasis in the Seeking Safety model?
Does prolonged exposure therapy work?
Prolonged exposure therapy is highly effective. This conclusion stems from many scientific research studies conducted over the past three to four decades. PE therapy is effective in helping people overcome PTSD generally. It also helps in reducing related suicidal thinking, excessive guilt, anxiety, and depression.
Is EMDR the same as exposure therapy?
EMDR therapy sets up a learning state that allows these experiences to be stored appropriately in the brain. This is the main difference between exposure therapy and EMDR; in other words, the individual is not re-exposed to the trauma.
What happens in the brain during exposure therapy?
These findings suggest that exposure therapy results in decreased demands on brain regions that mediate cognitive strategies involved in self-regulation (prefrontal cortex) and de-conditioning of traumatic memories (hippocampus).
Is EMDR exposure therapy?
What are the cons of exposure therapy?
Exposure therapy can also have occasional drawbacks:
- Symptoms may return: Some patients may see their symptoms return over time. 3 This is especially likely if the treatment ended prematurely.
- Simulated conditions don’t always reflect reality: The conditions in exposure therapy do not always reflect reality.
Why is exposure therapy controversial?
Although exposure is safe, it may in fact place patients at more risk compared to traditional talk therapies. Patients are asked to do a variety of “uncomfortable” exercises such as touching toilets and animals, purposely inducing panic symptoms (hyperventilation, spinning, exercise, etc.)
Why is exposure therapy unethical?
Ethical concerns regarding exposure treatment for anxiety include fears of symptom exacerbation, high treatment dropout rates, client safety concerns, and the blurring of boundary lines between therapists and clients.
What is seeking safety therapy?
This website provides information on Seeking Safety therapy, an evidence-based treatment that helps people with trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance misuse. It provides information on Seeking Safety trainings and articles on Seeking Safety, trauma, and substance misuse.
Is the seeking safety treatment manual copyrighted?
Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse is copyrighted under the United States copyright laws. Guilford Publications, Inc. controls that copyright. You may download and print the PDF solely for your own non-commercial use with individual clients.
How can I provoke compassion for myself?
Perhaps the single best way to provoke compassion for yourself is through this exercise: treating yourself like a good friend. It’s easy to give our friends love, compassion, and understanding, even when they fail or make a mistake. It can be much harder to extend that same understanding and compassion…
Would you like to provide feedback about seeking safety?
Your honest feedback about theSeeking Safetytreatment would be greatly appreciated, so that possible future revi- sions of it can be as helpful as possible. Both patients and clinicians can fill out the first part of this question- naire; the last part is for clinicians only.