What is the antonym for powerlessness?
What is the opposite of powerlessness?
invulnerability | invincibility |
immunity | impenetrability |
imperviousness | inviolability |
unassailability | untouchability |
What are the antonyms for oppression?
antonyms for oppression
- help.
- kindness.
- niceness.
- blessing.
- democracy.
- happiness.
- joy.
- powerlessness.
What is another word for powerlessness?
In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for powerlessness, like: helplessness, incapability, ineffectiveness, uselessness, impotence, inadequacy, ineffectualness, inefficacy, inability, power and ineffectuality.
What are different words for oppression?
In this page you can discover 56 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for oppression, like: harshness, tyranny, domination, coercion, persecution, dictatorship, fascism, severity, subjugation, abusiveness and abuse.
What is an example of powerlessness?
Powerlessness defines the problem: if you put drugs/alcohol in your body, you are powerless over them. The second part of the step, “our lives had become unmanageable,” describes the effect that the problem has had on your life. This can look like affecting family, work, finances, or health.
Is oppress opposite of soothe?
“The virtuous thing to do is to right your wrongs.”…What is the opposite of oppress?
comfort | cheer |
soothe | still |
strengthen | support |
uplift | alleviate |
animate | boost moral |
What is another word for lack of power?
1 ineffective. 2 feeble, impotent, prostrate, infirm.
What is powerlessness in oppression?
Powerlessness. This form of oppression refers to how some in a society are relegated to be powerless and are dominated by “the ruling class.” They are situated to take orders and rarely have the right to give them.
What is powerlessness in a community?
The sense of powerlessness is the expectancy or perception that one’s own behavior cannot control the occurrence of personal and social outcomes: control is vested in external forces, powerful others, luck, or fate—as in the Marxian depiction of the domination and exploitation of the worker in capitalist society.
What is antonyms give 10 examples?
Examples of graded antonyms include:
- young — elderly.
- hard — easy.
- happy — wistful.
- wise — foolish.
- fat — slim.
- warm — cool.
- early — late.
- fast — slow.
Which two words have opposite meanings?
An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two apparently contradictory terms appear together. Examples include a deafening silence, harmonious discord, an open secret, and the living dead.
What is the synonym of to make powerless or ineffective?
To cause to be severely weakened or powerless. disable. weaken. undermine. impair.
What is powerlessness mean?
The dictionary defines powerless as being without the power to do something or prevent something from happening.
What is powerlessness in five faces of oppression?
What is the opposite of powerlessness?
power, puissance, sinew, strength. Antonyms for powerlessness. ability, adequacy, capability, capacity,
What is the antonym for oppression?
Oppression antonyms. Top antonyms for oppression (opposite of oppression) are democracy, delight and joy.
What are the causes of powerlessness?
OPPRESSION: POWERLESSNESS Powerlessness derives from a lack of decision-making power, the inability to enact choices and exposure to the disrespectful treatment that results from occupying a marginal status (Young 1990).
What is the sense of powerlessness according to Marx?
The sense of powerlessness is the expectancy or perception that one’s own behavior cannot control the occurrence of personal and social outcomes: control is vested in external forces, powerful others, luck, or fate—as in the Marxian depiction of the domination and exploitation of the worker in capitalist society.