How does SSI determine eligibility?
To get SSI, you must meet one of these requirements: • Be age 65 or older. Be totally or partially blind. Have a medical condition that keeps you from working and is expected to last at least one year or result in death. There are different rules for children.
What does REF D mean on Social Security award letter?
D. Aged Widow, age 60 or over. D1. Aged widower, age 60 or over.
What makes you not eligible for SSI?
To qualify for SSI, you must also have little or no income and few resources. The value of the things you own must be less than $2,000 if you’re single or less than $3,000 for married couples living together. We don’t count the value of your home if you live in it, and, usually, we don’t count the value of your car.
Does SSI look at bank statements?
We’ll ask you the same kind of questions you answered when you applied for SSI. We’ll need information about your income, your resources, your living arrangements, and your bank accounts. Keep the savings or checking account statements you get from your bank. You may need them when we review your case.
What does disability status R mean?
Appeal Code/Date Level of SSI appeal. The date (MMYY) indicates the date of appeal. R. Reconsideration. H.
Does SSI ask for receipts?
Social Security will ask you to complete an annual representative payee accounting form, and although you aren’t expected to have receipts for each and every expense you’ll want to be able to verify that the amounts you list on the form are as accurate as possible.
How long does it take to receive SSI after being approved?
Generally, if your application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is approved, you must wait five months before you can receive your first SSDI benefit payment. This means you would receive your first payment in the sixth full month after the date we find that your disability began.
Can SSI see my bank account?
If you receive benefits through the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, the Social Security Administration (SSA) can check your bank account. They do this to verify that you still meet the program requirements. SSI is resource-specific and reserved for disabled people with limited means.
Who is eligible for Social Security Income (SSI)?
Individuals who are 65 and older, blind or disabled and have a limited income may be eligible to receive Social Security Income (SSI) from the federal government. Benefits are paid monthly with the purpose of managing a minimum level of income for these individuals. The program is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
What is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) review?
We review your income, resources, and living arrangements to be sure you are still eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and are getting the correct payment. If you are married or you are a disabled child under age 18 living with your parent (s), we also review the income, resources, and living arrangements of your spouse or parent (s).
What documents do I need to apply for Supplemental Security income?
DOCUMENTS YOU MAY NEED WHEN YOU APPLY FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) 1 SOCIAL SECURITY CARD OR NUMBER. You will need to apply for a Social Security number if you do not have one. If you need one, a number will be assigned 2 PROOF OF AGE. 3 CITIZENSHIP OR ALIEN STATUS RECORD. 4 PROOF OF INCOME. 5 PROOF OF RESOURCES.
Where can I find out if I am eligible for SSI?
These are just the broad outlines of eligibility for SSI — claims are evaluated by Social Security on a case-by-case basis, subject to a complex set of rules and calculations. You’ll find more information in the Social Security pamphlet “You May Be Able to Get Supplemental Security Income (SSI)” and on the SSI home page .