Can Warriors Transmog guns?
Warriors can get the transmog skin from bows and guns. If you can equip it becomes saved in the book.
What is Transmog?
Transmog – short for ‘transmogrification’, and also known as ‘tmog’ by the community – is a term used in online games such as MMOs to change the appearance of an armour piece to another.
How do you get the Wolfslayer sniper rifle?
Source. This item drops from the Big Bad Wolf in Karazhan during the Opera Event.
Can you still get crystal shot Longrifle?
So sad it is unavailable now.
How do you get Taeshalach?
Comment by Bursi
- Taeshalach drops from Aggramar in Antorus, the Burning Throne.
- can drop for Death Knight, Hunter, Paladin and Warrior, regardless of the specialization (Blue Post)
- no guaranteed drop.
- probably one dropchance for each raid difficulty per week (Lfr, normal, hc, myth)
- can’t be bonus rolled.
- can’t be traded.
What is the drop rate of Scythe of the Unmaker?
around one to two percent
He picked up Scythe of the Unmaker, a glowing red cosmic polearm, dropped from Argus, the last boss of Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne. The cosmetic item, mainly used for transmog purposes, is said to have a drop rate of around one to two percent.
Where can I buy Synthstrand?
Players earn a unique, passive currency called Synthstrand to purchase Armor Synthesis bounties from Ada-1 at the Tower. Since it’s passively-earned, there is no way to get it other than simply defeating enemies until they collect enough to grab bounties.
What can you do with Synthcord?
Synthcord can be used at the Loom in the Tower to obtain Synthweave. Lastly, Synthweave is used to convert an unlocked Legendary or lower armor appearance from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.
Can you get Argus scythe?
The Scythe of the Unmaker can be obtained by defeating Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne. It is the personal weapon of the titan.
Can you still get Scythe of the Unmaker?
Can Taeshalach drop for Hunter?
It wont drop for survival hunters (which could use and mogg it).