What does the word philtrum mean?
noun, plural phil·tra [fil-truh]. Anatomy. the vertical groove on the surface of the upper lip, below the septum of the nose. a philter.
Where does the word philtrum come from?
philtrum (n.) dimple in the middle of the upper lip, 1703, medical Latin, from Latinized form of Greek philtron, literally “love charm” (see philtre).
Why is the philtrum called the love charm?
It is from ancient Greek ϕίλτρον (= philtron), meaning love charm, whether a potion or any other means, and more generally charm, spell, and in Hellenistic Greek also the groove in the upper lip.
Is the philtrum the Cupid’s bow?
Everything to Know About Your Cupid’s Bow. A Cupid’s bow is the name of a lip shape where the upper lip comes to two distinct points toward the center of the mouth, almost like a letter ‘M’. These points are usually directly in line with the philtrum, otherwise known as the grooved space between the nose and mouth.
What is another name for the philtrum?
The human philtrum, bordered by ridges, is also known as the infranasal depression, but has no apparent function.
Why is the upper lip called Cupid’s bow?
The Cupid’s bow is a facial feature where the double curve of a human upper lip is said to resemble the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of erotic love. The peaks of the bow coincide with the philtral columns giving a prominent bow appearance to the lip.
What is the depression above your lip called?
The philtrum is the vertical groove between the nose and upper lip.
What does a smooth philtrum mean?
Definition. Flat skin surface, with no ridge formation in the central region of the upper lip between the nasal base and upper vermilion border. [ from HPO]
What ethnicity has cupids bow?
Ancient Greeks’
The Ancient Greeks’ ideal lip featured a dramatic cupid’s bow that supported a heavy bulb in the upper lip. The bow matched the upturned corners of the edge of the mouth. It signified luxury.
Is the philtrum attractive?
There was no significant difference between men and women, with a total of 75% preferring philtral contours, and a greater number of women (82%) finding the philtrum more attractive in the young face; only 68% considered philtral contours as more attractive in the aged portrait.
What is the space between your lip and nose called?
The philtrum is the midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose. The way the philtrum appears is determined genetically. In some syndromes this grove is shortened. The physical landmarks of the human face are very similar from one face to another.
What is the V in your lips called?
This is called the “cupid’s bow,” since it resembles the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of love. For some people, the cupid’s bow is more pronounced than others.
What ethnicity has Cupid’s bow?
What does Cupid’s arrow symbolize?
Definition of Cupid’s arrow in the English dictionary The definition of Cupid’s arrow in the dictionary is one of the arrows that Cupid is supposed to fire from his bow. According to the myth, a person struck by the arrow immediately falls in love. So Cupid’s arrow means love.
What does a prominent philtrum mean?
Broad Philtrum Having a broad groove between your nose and lips is a clear cut sign of your abundant energy as well as positive mental vibrations. If your philtrum is too broad or too long this indicates certain unexpected turns of fate throughout your life.
Is a philtrum attractive?
What does the name philtrum mean?
What does Philtrum mean in face reading? Philtrum (Lip Crease or ‘Person’s Center’) is a vertical, narrow and long groove that everyone has between the nose and upper lip. It mainly presents the reproductive system, also the personality.
What is the purpose of a philtrum?
A deep,long philtrum indicates honesty,kindness,modesty,being popular,patient and persistent,and those who possess it lead long,successful lives.
What does philtrum mean in medical dictionary?
Medical definition of philtrum: the vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip.
How to say philtrum?