How do you beat level 17 in Limbo?
Jump right from the Box to reach the first panel and use it, then run left and jump from the Box to the ladder before the door closes. Go left and pull the Box under the chain, then climb the chain and hang on as the room spins. Drop back onto the Box when it stops under you, so that you miss the electrified floor.
How many chapters does Limbo have?
Every chapter has its own puzzles, ranging from 1 to 39 chapters (40th chapter is a final scene, but no traps, obstacles and enemies).
How do you get past the laser in Limbo?
Go right past the light and pull the bottom Lever left to balance the water above. Push the Lever right to drop the block a little, then climb the ladder and jump across to the second Lever.
Is there a secret ending in Limbo?
Spoiler: it doesn’t have a happy ending. But while the ending is a bit of an enigma, the game itself has secrets, too. That includes an entire hidden level that can be easy to overlook, especially because it’s not available in every version of the game. Limbo launched on July 21, 2010 as an Xbox 360 exclusive.
Are there different endings in Limbo?
The only thing you get after the credits is an achievement. And no, there is no hidden ending in Limbo. If you beat the game without dying once you’ll get another secret egg (and is required to get 111% in the game, but there’s no achievement for that), but otherwise there’s no secret ending.
What happens at the end of Limbo?
According to many old tales, the soul can only get out of Limbo until the body is properly buried. The boy continues through Limbo until his sister finds and buries his body. So in the ending scene, she is not digging but she is covering his grave. She senses him and he sees her one last time before going to heaven.
How do you break the glass in limbo?
Near the wall you will see a mine cart with a ladder on top of it. Push the mine cart down the hill and climb up the ladder. When you approach the glass, jump over the stopper at the end and try to land on the glass dome. Doing so successfully will cause the glass to break and you will fall through.
How do you get past the balloon in limbo?
As the water raises so will you. Jump up to the higher platform when able. Quickly shut the gate after the balloon pops up (left) and then run up and ride the wooden platform to the top (right). Continue up the hill; pull the lever to the right of the ladder.
Does Limbo have a happy ending?
At the end he finds his sister. She is digging to be sure if she is dead, and the boy realizes they are both ghosts. At the ending both go to heaven.
Does limbo have a secret ending?
What are the white things in limbo?
Maggots (actual name unknown) are parasitic, worm-like creatures encountered by the boy during the Factory section of the game.
What is water balloon toss?
Split players into teams of two. Form two straight lines, with teammates facing each other. Then have each player take a big step back from their teammate and toss the balloon to them. The opposite player must catch the balloon without popping it. If a balloon pops, that team is out.
What is the story of Limbo?
Limbo Guide. Limbo is a dark and heavily-stylised Xbox Live Arcade game. The story revolves around a young boy struggling to progress through a hostile environment. You control him, and through a series of platforming and puzzle elements, must attempt to reach the final stage of the game.
How do you play the game Limbo?
You control him, and through a series of platforming and puzzle elements, must attempt to reach the final stage of the game. The main draw of Limbo, apart from some tricky puzzle sections, is the animation.
How many chapters are there in limbo?
Limbo contains 24 Chapters throughout the game. Was this guide helpful? Limbo is a black and white puzzle-platforming adventure that puts players in the role of a young boy traveling through a hostile world in an attempt to discover the fate of his sister. The Latest Thing to Run Doom Is…Minecraft?
How do I get 100% completion on Limbo?
These walkthroughs will help you achieve 100% game completion. You will need to play all of the endings + Side B story to collect ALL of Limbo’s CGs. The last CG unlocks after completing the entire game.