What defines political economy?
political economy, branch of social science that studies the relationships between individuals and society and between markets and the state, using a diverse set of tools and methods drawn largely from economics, political science, and sociology.
What are the most fundamental components of political economy?
The most fundamental components of political economy are markets and property.
What are the three phases of economic development?
Stages of Economic Growth and Economic Development Still, most development economists agree that the key stages of development are related to three different transitions: a) a structural transformation of the economy, b) a demographic transition, and c) a process of urbanization.
Does politics play a role in Nigeria’s trade unionism?
Thus, politics have played an import ant and disintegrative role in Nigerian trade unionism, though the participation of the trade unions and trade-union leaders in the political parties or in parliamentary or governmental positions has been on an extremely modest scale.
What is the main source of income in Nigeria?
The Nigerian Economy and the Natural Resources Nigeria has a fairly diversified economy. As is the case in most developing countries, agriculture constitutes the most important sector. Nigerian agriculture is, however, diversified. Natural resources, including forests and minerals, constitute another impo~tantsector.
How diversified is Nigeria’s economy?
The Nigerian Economy and the Natural Resources Nigeria has a fairly diversified economy. As is the case in most developing countries, agriculture constitutes the most important sector. Nigerian agriculture is, however, diversified.
How has the development of the Nigerian economy affected the trade-union movement?
In many ways the development of the Nigerian economy is reflected in the growth of the trade-unionmovement. Other social traits 94 in Nigeria have also affected the course of Nigerian trade-union deve10pment in many ways. The trade-unionmovement started as trade organizations pre dominant1y for government emp1oyees.