What is communism in simplest terms?
Communism is an economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which all property and wealth are communally-owned, instead of by individuals.
What is the primary concept of communism?
Communism (from Latin communis, ‘common, universal’) is a far-left philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common or social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to …
What is the difference between a Marxist and a communist?
Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory originated from Karl Marx, focusing on the struggles between capitalists and the working class. Communism is based upon the ideas of common ownership and the absence of social classes, money and the state.
What is selective tendering?
Selective tendering can be either single stage or two stage. Two-stage tendering is used to allow early appointment of a supplier, prior to the completion of all the information required to enable them to offer a fixed price.
What is a single stage tender?
Single-stage tender. A tender is a submission made by a prospective supplier in response to an invitation to tender. It makes an offer for the supply of goods or services.
What are the benefits of single stage selective tender?
There are a few benefits to using single stage selective tendering, firstly you can choose your own contractor and remove bad performing contractors, secondly companies are competitive over it and lastly you can rotate your contractors ensuring you always have a fresh pair of hands.
What are the different types of tendering?
Single Stage Selective Tendering 1 Two Stage Selection. Sometimes, potential contractors may be invited to initial discussions about the project to provide input. 2 Open Tendering. Open tendering almost explains itself. 3 Serial Tendering. Serial tendering has a number of benefits to it.