How would you describe Region II of Cagayan Valley?
Region II or Cagayan Valley is the northernmost region in the Philippines. It’s the second largest region of the Philippines in terms of land area. Most of the region lies in a large valley in northeastern Luzon, between the Cordilleras and the Sierra Madre mountain ranges.
What are the major industries in Region 2 Cagayan Valley region?
REGION 2 (CAGAYAN VALLEY) The Cagayan Valley Region is abundant in agricultural products such as rice, corn, peanut, beans, and fruits making Region 02 known as the Top Corn Producer and second in palay production in the Philippines.
What is Cagayan Valley region known for?
A: Cagayan region is known for its breathtaking rolling hills, high mountains, great beaches, and amazing caves. Q: Why is it called Cagayan Valley? A: Cagayan Valley description is river. Its name was derived from the Ilocano word “karayan” or river referring to the Rio Grande de Cagayan.
What is the main industry in Cagayan Valley?
Tobacco is still a major factor in the economy of Cagayan, though a special economic zone and free port has been created to strengthen and diversify the provincial economy.
What is the characteristics of Region 2?
Rich in coastal resources, Region 2 has a total of 5,640 hectares of mangrove, 15,437 hectares corals and 4,089 hectares of seagrasses. It is home to the Cagayan River or Rio Grande de Cagayan – the longest and largest River in the Philippines with 520km total stretch and drainage area of 2.8 million hectares.
What defines a Cagayan Valley culture?
Cagayan is a very ancient civilization. It has its distinct, rich and diverse culture. Commerce and trade was practiced by its inhabitants and has flourished with the Japanese, Chinese and other neighbor Asian countries even before the Spanish colonizers reached its shores.
What are the main crops of Culture in Region 2?
Among these are rice, corn, vegetables, sugar, mango, cassava, banana, cacao, coffee, tubers, and watermelon. They also produce livestock such as carabao, cattle, goat, hog, poultry, and sheep.
What are the major activities that can be done by tourists within the Cagayan Valley region?
The river can be found along Callao Caves National Park. It’s a site for whitewater rafting and kayaking since it has Class I and II rapids. Visitors can also go boating and swimming in calmer parts. Mountains surround the area which is popular for hiking, spelunking, and climbing activities.
What are the natural resources of Region 2?
Rich in coastal resources, Region 2 has a total of 5,640 hectares of mangrove, 15,437 hectares corals, and 4,089 hectares of seagrasses. It is the fourth largest region of the country accounting for about nine percent of the national land area.
What defines a Cagayan Valley?
Cagayan Valley is a region at the northeastern corner of Luzon. The regional center is Tuguegarao, and is composed of five provinces in administrative terms, namely: Batanes, Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya and Quirino.
What is the culture of Cagayan Valley?
What are the natural resources in Region 2?
What is the customs and traditions in Cagayan Valley?
The Itawits are noted for their pottery and basket-weaving traditions. The culture of Cagayan is showcased in museums, historical buildings and archeological sites spread across the province. In Solana, the Neolithic archeological sites in Lanna have yielded stone tools used as early as 20,000 years back.
What is the history of Cagayan Valley?
In 1839 the southern half of the valley was formed into a politico-military district of Nueva Vizcaya. In 1856, parts of Cagayan and Nueva Vizcaya were formed into the province of Isabela. Cagayan lost more territory with the formation of the partido of Itawes in 1889 and the comandancia of Apayao in 1890.
What is Cagayan Valley culture?
What are the tradition and culture in Cagayan region?
What are the major activities that can be done by tourist in the Cagayan Valley region Brainly?
Best Things to do in Cagayan Province
- Visit Palaui Island.
- Watch Pottery Making and Blacksmithing.
- Visit Callao Cave.
- Swim in Pinacanauan River.
- Visit Baggao’s Blue Lagoon.
- Visit St. Peter’s Cathedral.
- Visit Nassiping Church Ruins.
- Watch Rice and Corn Planting.
What are the culture in Region 2?
There are 3 major ethnic groups of people in Cagayan: the Ybanags, Itawits and Malawegs. The Ybanags, the dominant group, are known to be the tallest among the ethno-linguistic groups all over the Philippines. They are know for their excellence in making seacrafts and blacksmithing.
What are the natural resources in Cagayan Valley?
Cagayan Valley has gold, silver, copper, limestone and manganese. Indigenous energy resources such as coal, natural gas, geothermal and hydroelectric capabilities have been found abundant in the Valley.
Why you should visit Cagayan Valley?
The province is home to many attractions, both natural and man-made. There are beautiful beaches, wonderful vistas, delicious local cuisine, and impressive churches that date back to the Spanish era. Tuguegarao City, the provincial capital, is a modern city with restaurants, hotels, and shopping areas.
How many provinces and cities are there in Cagayan Valley?
The cagayan valley or Region II has 5 provinces, 4 cities, 89 Municipalities, and 2,311 Barangays Guaranteed one senator to represent Region 2 – Cagayan Valley and its provinces, cities/municipalities and barangays.
How many provinces are in Region 2 of the Philippines?
Number of Provinces/Cities and Municipalities/Barangays/Congressional Districts Region 2 is composed of 5 provinces, namely, the valley provinces of Cagayan and Isabela, the mountain provinces of Quirino and Nueva Vizcaya, and the island province of Batanes.
What are the Cagayan Valley region’s BOI approved investments?
From 2016 up to May 2020, the Cagayan Valley Region’s total BOI Approved Investments amount to 35,497.82 million pesos which accounts for .87% share to the Philippines total approved investments. (The amount does not include nationwide projects.) 1. Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply 2. Manufacturing 3. Real Estate Activities 4.
What are the principal tributaries of the Cagayan River?
The Cagayan River’s principal tributaries are the Pinacanauan, Chico, Siffu, Mallig, Magat and Ilagan Rivers. Magat River is the largest tributary with an estimated annual discharge of 9,808 million cubic meters.