What is Symphytum officinale used for?
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is sometimes used on the skin to treat wounds and reduce inflammation from sprains and broken bones. Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, a substance that helps new skin cells grow, along with other substances that reduce inflammation and keep skin healthy.
What is Symphytum officinale leaf extract?
Symphytum Officinale Leaf Extract is an extract of the leaves of the comfrey, Symphytumofficinale.
What is Symphytum officinale callus culture extract?
All Functions: skin conditioning. Description: symphytum officinale callus culture extract is the extract of a culture of the callus of symphytum officinale, boraginaceae.
Is Symphytum officinale poisonous?
Symptoms: All parts of the plant are poisonous. Ingestion may cause delayed liver damage. Repeat exposure may lead to liver failure. Death has been reported.
Is comfrey safe in cosmetics?
The FDA has recommended that all oral comfrey products be removed from the market. When applied to the skin: When applied to unbroken skin in small amounts for less than 10 days, comfrey is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people. It’s important to remember that the poisonous chemicals in comfrey can pass through the skin.
What is comfrey cream good for?
Comfrey cream is typically used as a topical herbal remedy for painful muscle and joint conditions. These can include low back pain, osteoarthritis, and sprains. 2 It’s also used in alternative medicine for the following problems: Bruises.
Is Symphytum officinale invasive?
Between the self-seeding and root regrowth, comfrey can become invasive. There is a sterile species of comfrey, Symphytum x uplandicum ‘Bocking 14’, which eliminates the self-seeding problem in the garden. Comfrey is a very fast growing plant.
What is comfrey extract used for?
Comfrey has a long history of use as a topical agent for treating wounds, skin ulcers, thrombophlebitis, bruises, and sprains and strains. More. Comfrey has a long history of use as a topical agent for treating wounds, skin ulcers, thrombophlebitis, bruises, and sprains and strains.
What is symphytum officinale 30c used for?
Symphytum species belongs to the Boraginaceae family and have been used for centuries for bone breakages, sprains and rheumatism, liver problems, gastritis, ulcers, skin problems, joint pain and contusions, wounds, gout, hematomas and thrombophlebitis.
Is comfrey safe for external use?
Comfrey was rated least effective for haemorrhoids, varicose veins and boils and was considered to carry the greatest risk when prescribed for ulcers, wounds and boils. Conclusion: Practitioner experience suggests that comfrey can be used safely and effectively externally for certain indications.
Is comfrey good for pimples?
It’s used in a few medical treatments to help with issues such as rashes and burns. This property makes using comfrey for acne a great idea. It helps stop that uncomfortable inflammation and reduces the intensity of acne!
What is comfrey used for topically?
Is comfrey good for acne?
Fights Inflammation: Allantoin is also an anti-inflammatory substance. It’s used in a few medical treatments to help with issues such as rashes and burns. This property makes using comfrey for acne a great idea. It helps stop that uncomfortable inflammation and reduces the intensity of acne!