What are the functions of a basic online calculator?
This basic online calculator is similar to a small handheld calculator and has the standard four functions for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. Like most 4-function calculators it also includes keys for percent, square, square root and pi. This basic calculator has decimal precision up to 10 digits and offers these functions:
What is the calculus calculator?
Our calculator allows you to check your solutions to calculus exercises. It helps you practice by showing you the full working (step by step integration). All common integration techniques and even special functions are supported.
Are there any new calculators available online?
– “Online Calculator” always available when you need it More calculators will be added soon – as well as many new great features. The basic calculator you see below has just been updated to make it use fewer resources, and have better readability on large screens. You can now also use the calculator using your keyboard.
How does a javascript calculator work?
For each function to be graphed, the calculator creates a JavaScript function, which is then evaluated in small steps in order to draw the graph. While graphing, singularities (e. g. poles) are detected and treated specially. The gesture control is implemented using Hammer.js.
What can you do with the сonvenient calculator?
With this сonvenient calculator, you can perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with positive and negative numbers. Actions with fractions and percentages are available.
How do I use the zoom feature on my Calculator?
% = Percent: use displayed value to calculate a percentage Zoom: Increase the size of the calculator in your browser using your browser’s zoom feature. The size of the calculator, text and buttons changes proportionately. Touch Screen Zoom: Increase the size of the calculator on your touch screen by zooming with your fingers.