What tomatoes are nematode resistant?
Some tomato varieties you are likely to find at local nurseries that are resistant to root-knot nematodes include Celebrity, Better Boy, Better Boy Bush, Early Girl Bush and Park’s Whopper. Your local nursery may carry other varieties that are resistant; just look for that capital N after the variety name.
What vegetables are not affected by root-knot nematodes?
Use of Resistant Varieties Asparagus, onion, and strawberry are resistant to most root-knot nematode populations in Alabama.
How do you control root-knot nematode in tomatoes?
Crop Rotation: Crop rotation to a non-host crop can be a useful tool to help manage root-knot nematodes. By alternating to a crop that the nematodes can neither feed on nor complete their life cycle on, this tool can promote a decline in root-knot nematode populations in the soil.
Are Roma tomatoes resistant to nematodes?
Fortunately, tomato is one of the few vegetable commodities in which host resistance against root-knot nematode is well established.
What is the best disease-resistant tomato?
Disease-Resistant Tomato Varieties
- Big Daddy.
- Early Girl.
- Porterhouse.
- Rutgers.
- Summer Girl.
- Sungold.
- SuperSauce.
- Yellow Pear.
What is the hardiest tomato plant?
Cold Hardy Tomatoes
- Celebrity.
- Golden Nugget.
- Husky Gold.
- Orange Pixie.
- Oregon Spring.
- Siletz.
What plants are susceptible to root knot nematodes?
Other common garden vegetables grown during mid- to late summer, such as tomato, pepper, cucumber, squash, eggplant, and okra also are highly susceptible to root-knot nematode. Plants growing in nematode-infested soils usually are unthrifty, stunted, yellowish, and have galled and decayed roots.
What kills root-knot nematodes?
To kill nematodes in soil, heat small quantities of moist soil to 140°F in the oven or by solarization. Heating soil in the oven over a time period needed to bake a medium-sized potato placed in the center of the soil is sufficient to kill nematodes; however, this is only practical for small quantities of soil.
How do I get rid of tomato nematodes?
Other options include adding valuable organic matter that helps support your tomatoes, using soil solarization to kill the nematodes with heat, or fallowing the garden and rototilling it every two weeks to prevent weed establishment.
What is the best disease resistant tomato?
How do you prevent root-knot nematode?
Keep marigolds free of grass and weeds to prevent nematodes from feeding on roots other than marigolds. Plant vegetables sensitive to root-knot nematodes — such as tomatoes, okra, lima beans, beans and others — in the marigold area the following spring.
How do I keep nematodes out of my garden?
If you cannot plant nematode-resistant strains, practice good crop rotation. Some species of root knot nematodes are more selective than others. Planting cover crops like marigolds or sudangrass between at-risk crops will also bring down the nematode population. Remove the roots of old plants when clearing the bed.
How do you get rid of root knot nematodes in soil?
Does molasses get rid of nematodes?
Drenching with water and molasses or sugar can also kill nematodes, but will have a negative impact on soil life.
How do I get rid of nematodes naturally?
Are tomato plants resistant to root knot nematode?
Table 1. A brief list of tomato cultivars with resistance to root-knot nematode described in the Southeastern US Vegetable Crop Handbook. Cultivars may not be resistant to all species of root-knot nematode. An expanded list of resistant cultivars may be found in the handbook.
How do you get rid of root knot nematodes in Tomatoes?
Chemical Control: Chemical control options including fumigants and non-fumigant nematicides are available for use in tomato production to suppress root-knot nematodes and minimize yield losses (Table 2). Prior to selection and application of a chemical option, be sure to review all product registrations and labeling.
Are there any tomatoes that are resistant to M arenaria?
Certain tomato cultivars possess the Mi-1 gene, which renders the plant resistant to M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica. However, the newly emerging root-knot nematode, M. enterolobii, is capable of infecting tomatoes cultivars with the Mi-1 resistance gene.
Are root knot nematodes parasites?
Only a small proportion of all nematodes (like root-knot nematode) are plant parasites. Because root-knot nematodes live and infect host plants below the soil line, they can often be difficult to detect and manage.