What was the temperature in Marmaris yesterday?
Marmaris Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
Conditions | Comfort | |
Time | Temp | Wind |
7:00 pm | 85 °F | 7 mph |
6:00 pm | 90 °F | 5 mph |
5:00 pm | 91 °F | 5 mph |
What is the hottest month in Marmaris Turkey?
Marmaris has a mediterranean climate with hot dry summers and mild winters. If you’re a sunseeker the best time to visit Marmaris is between June and September. The hottest month of the year is July with an average daily maximum of 35 C and an average low of 25 C.
Is Marmaris hot in December?
The weather in Marmaris in December has an average of nine hours sunshine each day, which is brilliant for winter in Europe. The sun rises at 8am and finally fades at 6pm at the start of the month. Marmaris has an average daytime high temperature of 16°C and only drops to a low of 7°C on rare chilly days.
Is Marmaris hot in January?
January falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 233mm (9.2in). It rains on average a total of 13 days. The average maximum daytime temperature lies around 15.2°C (59.36°F). The sun will occasionally show itself with 129 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Does Marmaris have snow?
When can you find snow in Marmaris? Weather stations report no annual snow.
How hot is Marmaris in March?
The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Marmaris in March is 8.8°C (47.84°F). The amount of rain in March is high with an average of 121mm (4.8in). It rains on average a total of 9 days. The average maximum daytime temperature lies around 17.7°C (63.86°F).
How hot does it get in Marmaris?
43°F to 92°F
In Marmaris, the summers are hot, arid, and clear and the winters are long, cold, wet, windy, and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 43°F to 92°F and is rarely below 35°F or above 97°F.
Is Marmaris hot in April?
Weather in April. April in Marmaris, Turkey, is a pleasant spring month, with average temperature fluctuating between 11.5°C (52.7°F) and 20.9°C (69.6°F).
What is the hottest Turkey has been?
Country/Region | Temperature | Date |
Tajikistan | 48.0 °C (118.4 °F) | ? |
Thailand | 44.6 °C (112.3 °F) | 28 April 2016 |
Turkey | 49.1 °C (120.4 °F) | 20 July 2021 |
Turkmenistan (then the Turkmen SSR, Soviet Union) | 50.1 °C (122.2 °F) | 28 July 1983 |
What is the cheapest month to go to Turkey?
Top tips for finding cheap flights to Turkey High season is considered to be July and August. The cheapest month to fly to Turkey is January.
Where is hottest in Turkey?
In fact, Cizre can claim to be the hottest place in the entire country. In 2021 Cizre saw the highest temperature ever recorded in Turkey, when the mercury rose to a sweltering 49.1 °C. This broke the previous record of 49 °C that had stood for 60 years and was also set in Cizre.
What is Marmaris known for?
Marmaris is famed for its pine-covered hills, untouched nature, beautiful scenery, and great beaches. The beaches here are mostly known for their soft sand and cleanness. İçmeler Beach, Turunç Beach, and Marmaris Beach are great spots for swimming, lounging on the sand, and soaking up the sunshine.
How much is a private taxi from Dalaman Airport to Marmaris?
How much is a taxi from Dalaman airport to Marmaris? The average cost of a standard comfort class taxi from Dalaman airport to Marmaris is 32 euros.
What is Marmaris Turkey known for?
Marmaris is known for the nightlife, beaches and the crystal clear water of the sea. During summer season there daily ferry services between Greece & Turkey, you can also visit the Greek island of Rhodes from Marmaris.