What is a 33W in the Army?
35T (pronounced thirty-five tango using the phonetic alphabet), previously 33W, is the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for the United States Army’s Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator.
What is the MOS for combat soldier?
Maintaining and repairing highly technical combat electronic systems is the job of the 94 MOS Community. These MOS specialties include: Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer (MOS 94A)
What is a 95B MOS?
95B MOS. Job Detail. Supervise or provide law and order operations on the battlefield and support to the peacetime Army community.
What is 35B MOS?
35B MOS. Supervises, operates, and performs unit and direct support and general support (DS/GS) level maintenance on Land Combat Support Systems.
What Mos is 35T?
Systems Maintainer/Integrator
Systems Maintainer (35T): Career Details. Military Intel. Systems Maintainer/Integrator (MOS 35T) are part of a team whose job is to help maintain national security by keeping complex computer systems, hardware, software, and networks up and running.
What is 35A MOS?
35A MOS. Performs maintenance on the TOW and DRAGON missile system.
Is 35L a combat MOS?
How long is AIT for military intelligence? To become an Army Counterintelligence Agent (MOS 35L), you’ll attend Basic Combat Training for 10 weeks, then 18-20 weeks of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at the United States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
Where do 35T get stationed?
AIT for military intelligence soldiers takes place at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. It’s one of the longer advanced training programs, since the material is so sensitive.
What is MOS 11X?
Army MOS 11X is a general term which describes the primary combat-related Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) in the military branch. The two most common infantry specialities are: Army Infantryman (MOS 11B) Army Indirect Fire Infantryman (MOS 11C)