What does fwidth do?
This function can be used to approximate the fragment width (hence the name “fwidth”) for level-of-detail computations dependent on change in window-space. This function is only available in fragment program profiles (but not all of them). The specific way the partial derivative is computed is implementation-dependent.
What does DDx do?
In healthcare, a differential diagnosis (abbreviated DDx) is a method of analysis of a patient’s history and physical examination to arrive at the correct diagnosis. It involves distinguishing a particular disease or condition from others that present with similar clinical features.
What is Ddy and DDX?
The ddx function returns the value of the subtraction of the left pixel of a horizontal pixel pair from the right pixel. The ddy pixel works similarly for the vertical axis. This means that two pixels in such a pixel pair always return the same value for ddx or ddy.
How do I make my LERP smooth?
It’s not uncommon to start adding some extra 0’s or 9’s to the front of the lerp() constant to get the desired smoothing amount. Assuming 60 fps, if you want to move halfway towards an object in a second you need to use a lerp() constant of 0.0115. To move halfway in a minute, you need to use 0.000193.
What is Smoothstep GLSL?
smoothstep performs smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 < x < edge1 . This is useful in cases where a threshold function with a smooth transition is desired.
What is LERP used for?
Linear interpolation, or “lerp” for short, is a technique commonly used when programming things like games or GUIs. In principle, a lerp function “eases” the transition between two values over time, using some simple math.
What does Vector3 LERP do?
Lerp can be used to smoothly change all kinds of different values, such as floats, Vector3 values, Quaternions and colours.
What is a differential diagnosis and how is it used in the medical field?
Differential diagnosis is a systematic process used to identify the proper diagnosis from a set of possible competing diagnoses.
What does Mathf lerp do?
The Mathf. Lerp function takes 3 float parameters: one representing the value to interpolate from; another representing the value to interpolate to and a final float representing how far to interpolate. In this case, the interpolation value is 0.5 which means 50%.
What is glViewport?
The glViewport function specifies the affine transformation of x and y from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates. Let (xnd , ynd ) be normalized device coordinates.
What are the benefits of differential diagnosis?
The goals of differential diagnosis are to:
- narrow down the working diagnosis.
- guide medical evaluation and treatment.
- rule out life threatening or time critical conditions.
- enable the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.