Is callistephus perennial?
China Aster, Callistephus chinensis, is a member of the Asteraceae family that includes the chrysanthemum and daisy. Unlike other aster varieties, this particular species is not a perennial, but an annual.
Is callistephus Hardy?
Plants from the genus Callistephus are half or full hardy annuals. They are bushy in nature, and range in height from 20 to 80 cm (8 to 32 inches). The blooms of Callistephus are similar to those of Chrysanthemums.
How do you grow callistephus chinensis?
Callistephus chinensis, or China aster, is a cool weather annual with many cultivars and colors to choose from. The plant grows easily in rich, moist, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. If grown from seed, you should plant in pots indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost date.
Where is China aster native to?
Chinese-aster is an annual, native to China and widely used in horticulture. Cultivars come in shades of white to pink, red, blue, violet, purple and yellow. This species is an occasional fugitive from flower gardens.
Do China Asters bloom more than once?
Also known as summer aster, China asters are a popular and beautiful cut flower. Plants typically grow 12-36” in height and produce a dozen or more blooms per plant, depending on the cultivar.
How do you take care of callistephus?
A cool weather annual, plant China Aster in any well-drained, evenly moist, rich soil. The plant does best in chalky, loamy soil and can tolerate a wide variety of pH levels ranging from acidic to alkaline. Keep the soil moist, but make sure to plant in well-drained soil.
Are Chinese asters invasive?
Is the plant considered invasive? China Aster has been introduced and has naturalized in several far northeastern states in the US, but is not considered invasive at this time.
Are China Asters hard to grow?
China aster is relatively easy to grow except for its susceptibility to aster yellows, which is a disease transmitted by leaf hoppers. Choose a sunny plot with fertile, well-drained soil having a pH of 5.5–7.5. Transplanting is recommended. Sow plants 1/8” deep in flats indoors 6–8 weeks before danger of last frost.
How many members of the Callistephus genus are there?
There is only one member of the Callistephus genus, the China Aster ( Callistephus chinensis ). As the name suggests the plant is a native of China.
What does Callistephus look like?
The blooms of Callistephus are similar to those of chrysanthemum. They flower in the summer in almost all colours, they often have a yellow centre. The common name for this garden plant is the China Aster. In the garden these plants look great as part of a border; they are also used often as a cut flower in arrangements.
What is the scientific name for callistemma?
Aster chinensis L.; Callistemma chinense (L.) Skeels; Callistephus hortensis Cass.; Diplopappus chinensis (L.) Less.
What is the scientific name for Callistephus hortensis?
Callistephus hortensis Cass. Diplopappus chinensis (L.) Less. 1. Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees E Chinese-aster. Aster chinensis L.; Callistemma chinense (L.) Skeels; Callistephus hortensis Cass.; Diplopappus chinensis (L.) Less. • CT, MA, ME. Waste areas, pond shores.