What is an ogee shape?
Definition of ogee 1 : a molding with an S-shaped profile. 2 : a pointed arch having on each side a reversed curve near the apex — see arch illustration.
What is an ogee chest?
Selected Art and Antiques. 13 Sep 2007, 11:00 BST. Edinburgh. A Victorian Scottish ogee chest. The shaped top above one long frieze drawer, with three short shaped drawers over three graduated drawers with knob handles, flanked by twisted columns, on a plinth base.
What is ogee in woodworking?
An ogee (/oʊˈdʒiː/ /ˈoʊdʒiː/) is the name given to objects, elements, and curves—often seen in architecture and building trades—that have been variously described as serpentine-, extended S-, or sigmoid-shaped.
Who invented the ogee?
Chauncey Jerome
For these brass clocks, Chauncey Jerome adopted a simple case introduced by several other New England clockmakers. The case became famous as the “Ogee,” named for its characteristic S-shaped moldings.
How do you lay out an ogee?
Layout Ogees With a Compass and Rule
- Step 1: Select Type. Again an ogee is an S curve in which some embellishments that can be added.
- Step 2: Draw Proportion Lines.
- Step 3: Draw First Arc.
- Step 4: Draw Second Arc.
- Step 5: Draw Third Arc.
- Step 6: Clearly Mark the Ogee.
- Step 7: Cut Your Ogee.
Where did the ogee arch come from?
Scholars think ogee arches originated somewhere in the Middle East, possibly Persia or Morocco. By the 14th and 15th centuries, ogee arches began appearing in Europe where they were used in late Gothic architecture, especially in England.
What is ogee edge?
Ogee edges are one of the most popular edge profiles for countertops and are typically selected for spaces that have a more traditional style. They feature flowing concave and convex arches and are typically more ornate than other edge options. Ogee edges exemplify the beauty of timeless architectural detailing.
What is OG in woodturning?
An ogee is a double curve usually with each curve opposing one another like an “s.” Ogees frequently appear in architecture, mathematics and the contour of bowl designs.
Is ogee edge more expensive?
The ogee edge is more difficult to create, so it is one of the more expensive edge styles. Dramatic curves or a double ogee edge can make this style more costly.
Is wood turning a craft?
Woodturning is an ancient craft known to many cultures worldwide. For many hundreds of years leading up to the Industrial Revolution, the foot-powered woodturning lathe was the only woodworking machine in common use.
Does ogee edge cost more?
What is portes et moulures dépôt?
Portes et Moulures Dépôt propose un grand inventaire de moulures en bois et une vaste sélection de modèles de moulures, cadrages, plinthes, frontons, ogees et cimaises en MDF. Trouvez le style et le format qui vous conviennent, et ce, au meilleur prix!
What is the size of the moulure and cadrage?
Cadrage en MDF apprêté, 17mm x 3-1/2″ Disponible en longueur de 16 pieds Blanche Panne.. Cadrage en MDF apprêté, 17mm x 2-3/4″ Disponible en longueur de 12 pieds, 16 pieds et.. Moulure 1-1/4″ x 3-3/4″ disponible en longueur de 8 pieds ..
What are the dimensions of the moulure and the MDF?
Moulure 1-1/4″ x 3-3/4″ disponible en longueur de 8 pieds .. Disponible en longueur de 8 pieds .. Plinthe en MDF apprêté, 3/8″ x 3-1/8″ Disponible en longueur de 8 pieds et 14 pi..