What size is a Fell Pony?
The ideal fell pony is 13.2 hands, though up to 14 hands is acceptable. Typically, they weigh between 350 and 450kg. Acceptable colours are black, brown, bay or grey, but not chestnut, piebald or skewbald. Some have a small star on their forehead, or a small amount of white on their hind feet.
What weight can a Fell Pony carry?
Horses and ponies range in size and weight, just like people. On average, a pony between 9 and 14 hands may weigh between 400 and 800 pounds. Following the 20% rule, this means that a pony can generally carry a person (including tack) who weighs between 80 and 160 pounds.
Are Fell ponies a rare breed?
The Fell Pony is listed as a rare breed due to the fact there are about 6,500 pure bred ponies in the whole world with around 360 foals born per year world wide with only 18% of them born to hill breeding herds.
What is the difference between a Fell Pony and a Dales Pony?
The Fell Pony stands 13 to 14 hands (52 – 56”) at the withers and is smaller and lighter than the Dales pony. While primarily solid black, its dense coat may also be bay, brown, or gray. White is permissible only as a small star or below the hind fetlocks. It has feathered fetlocks, and a heavy mane and tail.
Why are they called Fell ponies?
Breed origin: The Fell Pony originally lived in the fells of northwest England, specifically Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland (Cumbria). The name ‘fell’ comes from the Norse word for hills, and these ponies’ ancestors lived in the area long before the Romans came to England in the first century AD.
Does the queen breed fell ponies?
The Queen has been involved with the breeding and showing of Fell ponies for many years and is currently the Fell Pony Society’s patron. This year’s Royal Windsor will host Platinum Jubilee celebrations for The Queen and 2022 also marks 100 years since the Fell Pony Society was founded.
Are Fell ponies calm?
With its good size and calm temper, the Fell Pony is extremely suitable as the whole family’s pony. It has a calm temper, which makes it easy to be around for both children and adults.
What are Fell Ponies good for?
The Fell Pony was originally used as a packhorse, carrying slate and lead, copper, and iron ores. They were also used for light agriculture and the transportation of bulky farm goods such as wool.
Can adults ride Fell Pony?
Fell Ponies are ideal riding school mounts and can be ridden by both adults and children, with many Riding for the Disabled programmes employing this calm, honest breed.
Are Fell ponies related to Clydesdales?
The Fell Pony is a close relative of the Dales Pony and is very similar in looks. However, around 100 years ago Clydesdale blood was introduced to the Dales giving them roughly 4 inches in height and a draftier appearance than the Fells.
Can you get a white Fell Pony?
The colours accepted in the breed are black, brown, bay, grey, and chestnuts (if both parents are registered). Piebalds, and skewbalds are not allowed. A star on the head and/or a small amount of white on or below the hind fetlock is acceptable. However, excess white markings are discouraged.
How long do Fell ponies live?
What is the average lifespan of a pony? Generally, the average lifespan of a pony is the same as a horse (25-30 years), although ponies tend to live longer. It can be easier to keep an older pony in work, as the demands of a casual children’s lesson horse are lighter than those of an Olympic show-jumper, for example.
Can Fell ponies do dressage?
In addition, the Fell pony’s intelligence, outstanding conformation, and movement are also well-suited for dressage, with char- acteristic long and sloping shoulders, well-balanced knee and hock action, and ground-covering gaits.
What is the lifespan of a Fell pony?
What is the average lifespan of a pony? Generally, the average lifespan of a pony is the same as a horse (25-30 years), although ponies tend to live longer.
When were the first Fell ponies registered?
It was not until 1898 that the first Fell ponies were registered as part of the Polo and Riding Pony Stud Book. To keep the old pony breed pure, the Fell Pony Society was established in 1922, especially because cross breeding was occurring.
Why are Fell ponies so popular?
Today, the popularity of the Fell Pony breed continues to increase, and the number of the ponies that are registered has steadily risen in the first 10 years of the 21st century alone. The Fell Pony is a popular breed because it has an attractive temperament that is similar to other native pony breeds from Britain.
Can a child ride a Fell Pony?
Children and small adults can ride Fell ponies. The Fell Pony breed features several colors. These include brown, black, gray, pale gray, bay, and chestnut. White markings, such as a small amount of white on the hind pasterns, as well as white stars, are also possible on the Fell Pony’s coat.
What is the size of a Fell Pony?
The Fell Pony stands 13 to 14 hands (52 – 56”) at the withers and is smaller and lighter than the Dales pony. While primarily solid black, its dense coat may also be bay, brown, or gray. White is permissible only as a small star or below the hind fetlocks.