What is the other name of Momordica charantia?
Momordica charantia, commonly called bitter-melon or ampalaya, is a vigorous, tendril-bearing, frost tender, annual vine of the cucumber family that will grow rapidly to 12-20′ long in a single growing season. It is native to tropical and sub-tropical parts of Asia and Africa.
What is the common name of Momordica?
bitter gourd
Momordica charantia (colloquially: bitter melon; bitter apple; bitter gourd; bitter squash; balsam-pear; with many more names listed below) is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit.
What is Momordica called in English?
Overview. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a vine originally from India and other Asian countries. It has been traditionally used to treat diabetes. Bitter melon contains a chemical that acts like insulin to help reduce blood sugar levels.
What are the benefits of Momordica foetida?
Drinking of aqueous leaf extracts of the plant to treat malaria is reported in East and Central Africa [2]. Other medicinal uses of extracts of this plant include the treatment of hypertension, peptic ulcers, diabetes mellitus, and as a purgative [2,3].
What is another name for bitter melon?
Definition of bitter melon Note: Both the plant and its fruit are also called balsam apple, balsam pear, bitter gourd, (India) karela, and (Philippines) ampalaya.
How do you eat Momordica charantia?
Remember: No part of the Momordica charantia is ever to be eaten raw, except for the red arils (and remember to spit the seeds out.) No part, other than the arils, is ever to be eaten when ripe, which is when it is turning from green to yellow to orange. Do not eat the yellow or orange fruit raw or cooked.
Is Momordica charantia edible?
Momordica charantia, the balsam pear or bitter melon, produces an edible fruit, or “pear.” The balsam pear fruit is elongated and oblong in shape with a warty exterior, resembling a cucumber.
What is Momordica used for?
Momordica charantia (M. charantia), also known as bitter melon, karela, balsam pear, or bitter gourd, is a popular plant used for the treating of diabetes-related conditions amongst the indigenous populations of Asia, South America, India, the Caribbean and East Africa[11],[12].
Is Momordica fruit edible?
Momordica species (Family Cucurbitaceae) are cultivated throughout the world for their edible fruits, leaves, shoots and seeds.
What is karela called in English?
Scientific name : Momordica charantia Mizo : Changkha Hindi : Karela English : Bitter gourd Bitter gourd contains Iron, vit: A, B and C. it is also a cheap source Protein and minerals essential for healthy body.
Can you eat Momordica?
Is Momordica edible?
Is Momordica poisonous?
Red mature fruit and seeds are toxic and should not be eaten.
What is Momordica charantia Linn?
Momordica charantia, commonly called bitter melon, is a plant belonging to Cucurbitaceae family known for centuries for its pharmacological activities, and nutritional properties.
Can you eat Momordica Balsamina?
The leaves and young fruits of Momordica balsamina are cooked and eaten as a vegetable in Cameroon, Sudan and southern Africa. The bitter young fruits have been reported widely as edible, whereas the ripe fruits cause vomiting and diarrhoea, and can be poisonous. The bright red fruit pulp is eaten in Namibia.
Is Balsam fruit edible?
The balsam pear or bitter melon, Momordica charantia, produces an edible fruit, or “pear,” which is typically harvested for cooking while still green and unripe, rather than when yellow, ripe, and bursting to reveal its inner pulp and red aril–covered seeds.
How do you pronounce Momordica charantia?
- Phonetic spelling of Momordica charantia. Mo-mordi-ca Cha-ran-tia. Mo-mordica cha-ran-tia. momordica charantia. Mo-m-ordica char-antia.
- Meanings for Momordica charantia.
- Synonyms for Momordica charantia. balsam pear. gourd. gourd vine.
- Translations of Momordica charantia. Chinese : 苦瓜
How do you eat Momordica?
What is Momordica cymbalaria?
Momordica cymbalaria is a vine of the genus Momordica found in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. It is a relative of the bitter melon plant ( M. charantia ).
What is Momordica tuberosa?
Momordica tuberosa (Roxb.) Momordica cymbalaria is a vine of the genus Momordica found in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. It is a relative of the bitter melon plant ( M. charantia ).
What is the scientific name of Cymbalaria hook?
MOMORDICA cymbalaria Hook. f. [family CUCURBITACEAE], in F.T.A. 2: 540 (1871). Type: Sudan Re public, Blue Nile Province, Jebel Arashkol [Arasch Cool], Kotschy 147 (K, lecto.!) Luffa tuberosa Roxb. [family CUCURBITACEAE ], Fl. Ind. 3: 717 (1832); Chakrav., Monogr.