How many days will it take to deliver through DTDC?
How long does DTDC take to deliver? Usually 2-7 days. It highly depends on delivery mode and origin/destination. You can estimate the delivery time here.
Does DTDC deliver by air?
Service available through Air, Surface and Express modes. Customized services to suit timely needs of corporate clients.
What happens when DTDC Courier is not delivered?
In the event of any loss DTDC shall provide COF (certificate of facts) on request. A COF charge of 0.2% on the invoice value shall be charged. 12) No claim shall be entertained by DTDC for any loss or shortage damage non-delivery / breakage / leakage / pilferage, etc.
Is DTDC courier is fast?
DTDC Plus assures Next Business Day (NBD) delivery on priority in all metros and major cities. This service includes: Delivery of documents and packages up to 10 kilos. Online track and trace status of consignments.
Is DTDC courier safe?
Safety. DTDC has incorporated a system of reports that double checks the consignment status right from pickup, delivery and receipt of the Proof of Delivery (POD) details into the CTBS system and the internet. A chain of records is generated for every process to which the consignment is subjected.
Does DTDC deliver on Sunday in India?
Prime Time Plus Sunday: ensures all types of consignment pick up on the Saturday before 06:00 PM and delivery on Sunday, and is available for select pin-codes across the country.
Is DTDC better than India Post?
Speed post service by postal authorities is reliable and cheap as compared to private courier services like Blue Dart, DTDC and first flight couriers.
Is BlueDart better than DTDC?
Bluedart Express Ltd is most highly rated for Job security and advancement and DTDC Express is most highly rated for Culture….Overall Rating.
Overall Rating | 4.0 | 3.7 |
Compensation and benefits | 3.5 | 3.1 |
Job security and advancement | 3.8 | 3.4 |
Management | 3.6 | 3.4 |
Culture | 3.7 | 3.4 |
Which is better Bluedart or DTDC?
Though the services offered by both these courier companies are same, the blue dart is superior in many aspects. Bluedart is a premium courier service which guarantees reliable, safe and secure way of delivering your goods.
Which is better BlueDart or DTDC?
Is DTDC better than India post?
Which is faster speed post or DTDC?
In major cities, the performance of speed post is faster and more reliable. The postal service delivers 99% of letters through speed post within 1-9 days as compared to 92% by private courier services that take up to 10 days. At the local level, the delivery by speed post is 98% compared to 93% by courier services.
How do I file a complaint against DTDC Courier Udaipur?
Also, do call their customer support first and visit the DTDC Courier Udaipur office before you reach grievance officer of DTDC or post any message on their social media account. DTDC Express Limited (formerly known as DTDC Courier & Cargo Ltd.) is an Indian courier company that offer courier services to Domestic and International Markets.
How many offices does DTDC have in India?
Company has 4 offices and customers can visit these offices for services like Domestic – DTDC Lite, Cargo, Express, VAS, COD, FOD, Mailer & International – Air Cargo, Student Express, Door to Door, Premium Express, Supply Chain, Freight. DTDC Branches in Udaipur :
How many DTDC stores are there in Udaipur?
There are 13 stores of DTDC Courier in Udaipur. That is a huge number and this shows that DTDC is present in every nook and corner of Udaipur. Whether you need to send a document or a heavy parcel, DTDC has a solution for your every shipping requirement. Just reach any of these DTDC stores in Udaipur and avail the services of DTDC with ease.
How to check Courier status in Udaipur?
DTDC Udaipur Courier Tracking : If you would like to track courier status then you can check online at DTDC Courier Tracking. Filed Under: BranchesTagged With: Udaipur