What is the kingdom of sponges?
AnimalSponge / KingdomAnimals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms in the biological kingdom Animalia. With few exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and Wikipedia
What are the characteristics of sponges?
Simple sponges are hollow cylinders with a large opening at the top through which water and wastes are expelled. A thin, perforated outer epidermal layer covers a porous skeleton, which is composed of interlocking spicules of calcium carbonate, silica, or spongin (found in 80% of all sponges), a proteinaceous material.
What does Porifera stand for?
The phylum name Porifera means pore-bearing. Sponges take their name from small holes that cover their bodies.
What is the genus and species of a sponge?
Class | Order | Genus species |
Calcarea | Clathrinida | Leucetta floridana |
Demospongiae | Agelasida | Agelas cerebrum |
Demospongiae | Agelasida | Agelas cervicornis |
Demospongiae | Agelasida | Agelas citrina |
What are the 4 classes of sponges?
The classification of sponges is based on spicule form and chemical composition. Living sponges have traditionally been divided into three or perhaps four classes: Homoscleromorpha, Calcispongiae, Hexactinellida, and Demospongiae.
What are the 7 levels of classification for a sponge?
Integrated Taxonomic Information System – Report
Phylum | Porifera Grant, 1836 – sponges, éponges, esponja, porifero |
Direct Children: | |
Class | Calcarea Bowerbank, 1864 |
Class | Demospongiae Sollas, 1885 |
Class | Hexactinellida Schmidt, 1870 |
What is the domain of sponges?
EukaryoteSponge / Domain
What are the 4 types of cells in a sponge?
Although sponges do not have organized tissue, they depend on specialized cells, such as choanocytes, porocytes, amoebocytes, and pinacocytes, for specialized functions within their bodies.
What are the three layers found in sponges?
Sponge Body Layers The body wall consists of three layers: An outer layer of flat epidermal cells. A middle layer that consists of gelatinous substance and amoeboid cells that migrate within the layer. An inner layer that consists of flagellated cells and collar cells (also called choanocytes)
What is the taxonomy of the Porifera?
Integrated Taxonomic Information System – Report
Kingdom | Animalia – Animal, animaux, animals |
Subkingdom | Radiata |
Phylum | Porifera Grant, 1836 – sponges, éponges, esponja, porifero |
Direct Children: | |
Class | Calcarea Bowerbank, 1864 |
What genus is sponge?
Porifera Temporal range: | |
A stove-pipe sponge | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Subkingdom: | Parazoa |
What is the basis of classification of phylum Porifera?
The classification of phylum Porifera is based upon the presence and composition of spicules.
What is Aplysina archeri?
Aplysina archeri, also known as a stove-pipe sponge because of its shape, is a species of tube sponge that has long tube-like structures of cylindrical shape. Although they can grow in a single tube, they often grow in large groups of up to 22 tubes. A single tube can grow up to 5 feet (1.5 m) high and 3 inches (7.6 cm) thick.
What do Aplysina archeri eat?
Aplysina archeri. Like most sponges, they are filter feeders; they eat food such as plankton or suspended detritus as it passes them. Very little is known about their behavioral patterns except for their feeding ecology and reproductive biology. Tubes occur in varying colors including lavender, gray, and brown.
What does archeri look like?
Este espécimen es el típico A. archeri, de color malva a morado, con abultaciones pronunciadas y crestas sobre la superficie exterior. La superficie interior es extraordinariamente lisa. La especie tiene un mayor tamaño en aguas con alta turbidez, donde se han observado especimenes que llegan a colapsar y doblarse debido a su propio peso.