What is divergence in communication accommodation?
Divergence. Divergence is a strategy used to accentuate the verbal and nonverbal differences between communicators, or in other words, a nonaccommodation. Different from convergence in that there are no attempts to display similarities in gestures, posture, speech rate, etc.
What does the communication accommodation theory explain?
Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT) is a general theoretical framework of both interpersonal and intergroup communication. It seeks to explain and predict why, when, and how people adjust their communicative behavior during social interaction, and what social consequences result from those adjustments.
What is communication accommodation theory example?
Examples of Communication Accommodation Theory When a junior employee in an organization is talking to a higher level employee, both the people tend to accommodate each other by realizing their differences in social status and rankings or positions.
What are the three communication accommodation strategies?
The circumstance involves the place, interlocutor, intimacy, and speech community. All students uses convergence strategy in all variable and three of them use divergence strategy lexically. The reason of using each communication accommodation strategy is taken from communication accommodation theory.
What is convergence communication?
Convergence in communication technologies means that different kinds of communication technologies are coming closer to each other. During the past few decades of rapid technological advancements the boarders between telecommunications, the Internet and mass media are receding.
What is convergence English language?
Language convergence is a type of linguistic change in which languages come to structurally resemble one another as a result of prolonged language contact and mutual interference, regardless of whether those languages belong to the same language family, i.e. stem from a common genealogical proto-language.
What is divergence in speech?
Speech divergence happens when people deliberately choose not to mirror each other speaking styles. The message that is sent when doing this is that the people communicating do not want to accommodate, seem polite, or perhaps that they do not like the people they are communicating with.
What is an example of convergence in communication?
A good example is the convergence of communication and imaging technologies on a mobile device designed to make calls and take pictures – two unrelated technologies that converge on a single device.
What is convergence in communication accommodation theory?
Convergence refers to the process through which an individual shifts speech patterns in interaction so that they more closely resemble the speech patterns of speech partners.
What is convergence and divergence in language?
Language convergence is the use of common labels to engage in meaning-making activities. Meaning divergence occurs when people use the same labels to identify different meanings.
What is convergence accommodation?
Accommodative convergence is that portion of the range of inward rotation of both eyes (i.e. convergence) that occurs in response to an increase in optical power for focusing by the crystalline lens (i.e. accommodation).
What is convergence in communication?
Convergence is the merging of communication platforms such as; feature films, print, television, radio, live experiences, theme parks, games, the Internet along with portable and interactive technologies through various digital media platforms.
What is divergence theory?
The divergence theorem is a mathematical statement of the physical fact that, in the absence of the creation or destruction of matter, the density within a region of space can change only by having it flow into or away from the region through its boundary.
What is difference between convergence and accommodation?
Accommodation is the mechanism by which the eye changes its refractive power by altering the shape of the lens in order to focus objects at variable distances. Convergence is a disconjugate movement in which both eyes rotate inward so that the lines of sight intersect in front of the eyes.
What is convergence and divergence theory?
Divergence generally means two things are moving apart while convergence implies that two forces are moving together. In the world of economics, finance, and trading, divergence and convergence are terms used to describe the directional relationship of two trends, prices, or indicators.
What is the relationship of accommodation and convergence?
The relationship between accommodation and convergence is prism diopters (PD) to accommodation in diopters: the AC/A ratio increase with age. Just as convergence can be stimulated by accommodation, so accommodation can be stimulated by convergence.
What is convergence in Communication Accommodation theory?
Communication accommodation theory. “Convergence” refers to strategies through which individuals adapt to each other’s communicative behaviors to reduce these social differences. Meanwhile, “divergence” refers to the instances in which individuals accentuate the speech and non-verbal differences between themselves and their interlocutors.
What is the difference between divergence and accommodation theory?
Meanwhile, “divergence” refers to the instances in which individuals accentuate the speech and non-verbal differences between themselves and their interlocutors. The speech accommodation theory was developed to demonstrate all of the value of social psychological concepts to understanding the dynamics of speech.
What are the two types of accommodation process in communication theory?
There are two types of accommodation process explained in this theory. Convergence– convergence is a process where people tend to adapt the other person’s communication characteristics to reduce the social differences
What is the difference between convergence and divergence in communication?
Convergence – convergence is a process where people tend to adapt the other person’s communication characteristics to reduce the social differences Divergence -the process contradicts the method of adaptation and in this context the individual emphasise is on the social difference and nonverbal differences between the interactants.