How to look up a patent?
1) Go to the US Patent Full-Text and Image Database (PatFT). The PatFT holds full-text patents issued from 1976 to the present. 2) Gather the information you have about the patent you want to research. You can search US patents issued from 1976 to the present with any information at all. 3) Enter your term in the “Query” blank. The Quick Search page also has a drop-down menu of Boolean connectors such as “and” or “or” that you can choose if 4) Define the fields of your search. After entering your search term, use the drop-down menu to tell the database where that term is located on the patent. 5) Enter an additional term. If you have more than one term you want to search in the database, you can enter a second term in the same way you 6) Limit the years of your search. The default search is the entire full-text database, which covers patents issued from 1976 to the present. 7) Click the “Search” button. The database will return a list of all records that matched your search terms.
How to search USPTO database?
– To search for a particular type of patent, enter ‘D’ for design patents, ‘PP’ for plant patents, ‘R’ for reissue patents, ‘T’ for defensive publications, ‘H’ for SIRs, ‘X’ for – Non-utility patents have prefixes. For example, design patent #123,456 is actually D123,456. – Including commas in patent number is optional.
How do you search for a patent?
You can hire professional patent researchers.
Where to find patents?
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