What does being a Dependapotamus mean?
Dependapotamus – According to Urban Dictionary: Traditionally a service-member’s dependent who is a “stay at home mom” that doesn’t do a damn thing all day besides sitting on the couch looking remarkably similar to Jabba the Hut leaching off of military benefits and eating anything that gets too close.
What is a Dependa wife?
Some portray the ranks of military wives as being stuffed full of “dependas,” which is military slang for a wife who leeches off her hardworking husband, sucking him and the government dry — and then who has the nerve to complain about not getting even more or even sleeps around behind his back.
What is a male Dependa?
Being called a “Dependa” implies the military spouse sits at home all day doing nothing while their service member sacrifices everything to keep them comfortable. It’s a derogatory term, but spouses are taking that word back.
Do military families struggle financially?
As many as 160,000 active-duty military members are having trouble feeding their families. That estimate by Feeding America, which coordinates the work of more than 200 food banks around the country, underscores how long-term food insecurity has extended into every aspect of American life, including the military.
Does the military ruin marriages?
In cases where a military couple is thousands of miles apart due to a deployment, physical distance along with emotional detachment may challenge a couple’s ability to maintain a marriage. For the non-military spouse, he or she is forced to be strong and assume responsibilities formerly performed by a spouse.
Do military wives travel with their husband’s?
Opportunities to Travel Throughout your husband’s time in the military, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to travel. What is this? Depending on the deployment, you may be able to visit them overseas during a holiday like 4th of July for example.
Is being a military wife hard?
The life of a military spouse is undeniably challenging. Being away from your partner for months or years at a time, assuming the role of a single parent, trying to balance a career while moving so often – all of these realities of military life can take its toll.
What are the dependapotamus?
The Dependapotamus, as scientists refere to them, are living potato sacks who will congregate at the local malls, dive bars, WalMarts, and under 21 night clubs in hopes of finding a military man that they can sink their whorish claws into. You see, Joe is very lonely, is away from home, and everything he has ever known.
Is dependapotamus a 4-Letter Word?
In the military community, especially the online military community, dependapotamus is a 4-letter word. An insult. Kind of like the c-word and b-word of milspouse-land. If you have no idea what a “dependapotamus” is, check out the definition on Urban Dictionary:
Why did the dependopotamus disguise herself as a military man?
Since most women who marry a military man are upstanding people and citizens, the Dependopotamus is able to disguise herself as a person of character like an insurgent among the local populace.
What do you think about the character dependopotamus?
The Dependopotamus is a paradox. She is an utterly useless woman with a high sense of entitlement and self-importance. She is completely repulsive, fat, and poorly hygienic but is able to secure a new dick willing to lift up her floopa and smash her guts easily.