How do you mask in easytrieve?
One thing you can do while masking for easytrieve is:
- Say you define the field in File – like. Code: OUT-PRC 28 5 N MASK ‘—-9’
- You need to display temp variables where the temp movement will be done before final move like. Code: * WS-COST W 7 N 2 MASK (‘ZZZZZ.ZZ’)
- Then in the program you can have the code like:
How do you define a decimal variable in easytrieve?
Put a number after the P indicating the number of decimal places you have. Note that if you have a whole number, and you want it signed, you have to specify 0 decimal places. In Easytrieve Plus, the number of decimals also inidates a signed field.
How do you initialize variables in easytrieve?
Re: Initializing in easytrieve Just move 0 (zero) to those variables. The variables posted are not a group. . . By defining 2 groups and moving the one with the “initial values” to the “real” group, a group can be “initialized”.
Is numeric check in easytrieve?
The answer is yes. NUMERIC. Check it in you manual.
How do you comment easytrieve code?
* * (asterisk) – The asterisk begins a comment statement. It must be the first character in the statement.
How do you add leading zeros in Cobol?
All you should need is to move the value to an output field that is not leading-zero suppressed (i.e. my-non-zero-field pic 9(9).) – unless there is more you have not posted. . .
How do you comment in C?
There are two ways to add comments in C:
- // – Single Line Comment.
- /*… */ – Multi-line Comment.
What is Numval function in Cobol?
The NUMVAL function returns the numeric value represented by the alphanumeric character string or national character string specified as the argument. The function removes any leading or trailing spaces in the string to produce a numeric value.
How do you remove trailing spaces and zeros in Cobol?
How to do a masking in Easytrieve?
Masking in Easytrieve 1 Say you define the field in File – like#N#Code:#N#OUT-PRC 28 5 N MASK ‘—-9’ 2 You need to display temp variables where the temp movement will be done before final move like#N#Code:#N# 3 #N#WS-COST W 7 N… 4 Then in the program you can have the code like: More
How do you add decimals to a field in Easytrieve?
Put a number after the P indicating the number of decimal places you have. Note that if you have a whole number, and you want it signed, you have to specify 0 decimal places. In Easytrieve Plus, the number of decimals also inidates a signed field.
How to print the decimal character of a variable using masking?
For creating reports, or printing (displaying) numeric variables, we will always need masking. It can be used to print the decimal character for the variables that have implied decimal WS-SSN W 9 N MASK ‘999-99-9999’ MOVE 123456789 TO WS-SSN DISPLAY ‘ WS-SSN : ‘ WS-SSN This will be printed as WS-SSN : 123-45-6789
How do I sign a whole number in Easytrieve plus?
Note that if you have a whole number, and you want it signed, you have to specify 0 decimal places. In Easytrieve Plus, the number of decimals also inidates a signed field.