What is a neutral stimulus example?
A good example of a neutral stimulus is a sound or a song. When it is initially presented, the neutral stimulus has no effect on behavior. As it is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, it will begin to cause the same response as the UCS.
What is neutral stimulus quizlet?
neutral stimulus (NS) A stimulus that before conditioning does not produce a particular response (Bell) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) A stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without previous conditioning (food)
What is a neutral stimulus quizlet?
What kind of response does a neutral stimulus elicit?
With repeated presentations of both the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus will elicit a response as well, known as a conditioned response. Once the neutral stimulus elicits a conditioned response, the neutral stimulus becomes known as a conditioned stimulus.
Which of the following best defines a neutral stimulus?
A neutral stimulus is a stimulus which initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention. In classical conditioning, when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus.
What is the difference between a neutral stimulus and a conditioned stimulus?
What does neutral response mean?
You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. Added 9 years ago by trolledart. Neutral Response refers to a scene from the animated television series Futurama in which an extraterrestrial character reveals he has “no strong feelings one way or the other.”
What is a neutral stimulus?
Find out more about the definition of the neutral stimulus and how it can change into a conditioned stimulus, and discover real-world examples of this type of stimulus, including the experiment of Pavlov and his dogs. Updated: 09/10/2021 What Is a Neutral Stimulus? A neutral stimulus is a stimulus that does not produce an automatic response.
What type of stimulus is Carly talking to her boyfriend?
The song is a neutral stimulus because it doesn’t elicit any strong emotions from Carly. However, Carly really likes talking to her boyfriend. Every time they talk, she smiles because she likes him so much. Her boyfriend is an unconditioned stimulus because he elicits an automatic reaction from her.
How did Pavlov turn a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus?
Discovered by Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning can turn a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus. Pavlov experimented with a bell and was able to get his dogs to drool, even if there was no food around. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.