What is my Chinese zodiac sign if I was born in 1981?
Apart from 2017, the Year of the Rooster includes the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2029. 2017 is a Fire Rooster Year.
What spirit animal is 1981?
Rooster – 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.
What kind of monkey is 1981?
Years and the five elements
Start date | End date | Heavenly branch |
12 February 1956 | 30 January 1957 | Fire Monkey |
30 January 1968 | 16 February 1969 | Earth Monkey |
16 February 1980 | 4 February 1981 | Metal Monkey |
4 February 1992 | 22 January 1993 | Water Monkey |
What element is Rooster born in 1981?
Years and the five elements
Start date | End date | Heavenly branch |
17 February 1969 | 5 February 1970 | Earth Rooster |
5 February 1981 | 24 January 1982 | Metal Rooster |
23 January 1993 | 9 February 1994 | Water Rooster |
9 February 2005 | 28 January 2006 | Wood Rooster |
Is 1981 a Rooster year?
Most recent years of the Rooster are 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957 and 1945….Year of the Rooster Dates.
Zodiac Rooster Year | When | Type of Rooster |
1981 | February 5, 1981 – January 24, 1982 | Gold rooster |
What type of Rooster is 1981?
Years of the Rooster include 2029, 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945……Year of the Rooster Dates.
Zodiac Rooster Year | When | Type of Rooster |
1981 | February 5, 1981 – January 24, 1982 | Gold rooster |
What kind of Rooster is 1981?
What is the Chinese zodiac sign for 1981?
According to Chinese zodiac, people born in 1981 have the Rooster sign. And Water is the 1981 Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, people born in the year of 1981 are the Metal Rooster. As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, whose dates are different from Gregorian calendar.
Which type of Rooster are people born in 1981 Chinese zodiac?
Which type of Rooster are people born in 1981 Chinese zodiac year? According to Chinese zodiac, people born in 1981 have the Rooster sign. And Water is the 1981 Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, people born in the year of 1981 are the Metal Rooster.
What is my Chinese zodiac year?
The below Chinese zodiac chart helps you find out what is your Chinese zodiac year and the accurate starting and ending dates of the Chinese zodiac years. 2019 is the Chinese zodiac Pig year. In Gregorian calendar, it is from Feb. 05, 2019 to Jan. 23, 2020. A Full List of Chinese Astrology Birth Chart
What is my Chinese zodiac sign for the year 1998?
For example, if you’re born after January 27 in 1998, your Chinese zodiac sign is the Tiger as 1998 was a year of the Tiger (beginning at Chinese New Year). Use the Chinese zodiac calculator below to quickly and accurately know what your zodiac sign is, what is lucky for that sign, and a brief horoscope prediction for this year.