What is a blue Rat Terrier?
A Bluetick Rat Terrier is the sweet, easy-going, and curious hybrid mix of a Bluetick Coonhound and Rat Terrier. These dogs are intelligent and highly trainable human companions. Bluetick Rat Terriers require a significant amount of exercise and affection from their owners.
Do Rat Terriers make good pets?
Rat Terriers make wonderful dogs for families living in any size of home. They love people and and are good with other dogs, and even cats, when they’ve been socialized from a young age. They need consistent exercise and and plenty of mental stimulation, too.
Do Rat Terriers bark a lot?
They have a lot of energy and often, barking is a signal that your pup isn’t getting enough exercise. Teaching a Rat Terrier to not bark requires patience and consistent positive reinforcement, but it can be done.
How long do blue Rat Terriers live?
The Rat Terrier is a generally healthy breed with an average lifespan of 15-18 years.
Do Rat Terriers shed a lot?
The more often you brush, the less loose hair you’ll have floating around your house. Rat Terriers shed moderately year-round and they have a heavier shedding season in the spring and fall. An occasional bath is all he needs to stay clean. Be sure you don’t trim your Rattie’s whiskers, and don’t let a groomer do so.
How much does a Rat Terrier cost?
The purebred Rat Terrier price varies anywhere from $900 to $4,000 or more. If this seems a bit too rich for your blood, then you can go the route of adoption or rescue. Adoption costs around $150 to cover any shots and/or vet care. Rescue organizations charge around $450 or so for costs associated with fostering.
Do Rat Terriers like to cuddle?
Recognized by the AKC in 2013, the Rat Terrier is generally a wonderful snuggle and travel buddy. In fact, truckers and RV enthusiasts often bring these dogs along for the ride. While he appreciates a good cuddle, Ratties also have lots of energy and need to be engaged with play, training and exercise.
Are Rat Terriers easy to house train?
Rat Terriers that are crate-trained are easier to housebreak, to keep safe, and to keep out of their characteristic mischief.
Do all Rat Terriers ears stand up?
Fun fact: Rat Terriers puppies are born with their ears up. About the time their eyes begin to open, the ears start to drop. Some of those ears may stay dropped, some may pop back up in a few weeks or months.
Do Rat Terriers shed?
A bath every month or so will likely be enough, depending on the dog’s lifestyle. Rat Terriers shed seasonally, during which time a shedding tool or rubber curry brush will help remove loose hair.
Are rat terriers easy to potty train?
Crate training teaches Rat Terriers that their crate is their safe space. Dogs that are crate-trained are easier to housebreak, to keep safe, and to keep out of mischief. The breed is well known for their ability to dig out of almost anywhere, and they have been known to escape from seemingly secure yards.
Can rat terriers be left alone?
Alone Time Exercise, and a crate or secure dog-proof space, are the keys to preventing destructive behaviors and excessive barking when a Rat Terrier is left home alone. They may be able to stay home alone for five to eight hours with enough exercise, mental stimulation, and attention.
Are Rat Terriers cuddly?
Are Rat Terriers easy to potty train?
Can Rat Terriers be left alone?
How long can a Rat Terrier hold their bladder?
Adult dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if needed, but that doesn’t mean that they should. The average adult dog should be allowed to relieve itself at least 3-5 times per day. That’s at least once every 8 hours.
Do Rat Terriers talk?
Most Rat Terriers are somewhat vocal – not only barking, but also “talking” with a mumbled ra-ra-ra-ra to get your attention when they want something. A Rat Terrier may be right for you.