Who are the main characters in My Antonia?
Jimmy BurdenEmmaline BurdenÁntonia ShimerdaJosiah BurdenLena Lingard
My Ántonia/Characters
Who is the most important character in My Antonia?
My Antonia Characters
- Jim Burden. The protagonist of My Ántonia and the narrator of most of the novel.
- Ántonia Shimerda. A Bohemian immigrant and Jim’s closest friend, Ántonia comes to the prairie when she is 13.
- Lena Lingard. Ántonia’s friend in Black Hawk and one of the “hired girls.”
- Emmaline Burden –
- Otto Fuchs.
- Mr.
What is the identity of the main character Jim in My Antonia?
The protagonist of My Ántonia and the narrator of most of the novel. Orphaned at the age of ten, he comes to live with his grandparents on the Nebraska prairie. Jim is reflective, studious, and a “romantic.” He feels deeply connected to the land.
What does Jim symbolize in My Antonia?
Jim symbolizes the pioneer gone soft. Jim’s memories of Ántonia comprise the main body of the novel. He admires her and is drawn to her in such a way that his memories of her have been burned into his mind.
Who is the antagonist in My Ántonia?
Jim Burden, a boy who comes from Virginia to live with his grandparents on their farm in Nebraska. The antagonist of the novel is Antonia, especially as she comes to represent all the beauties and contradictions of the Midwest as it was settled in the late nineteenth century.
Who is Anton Jelinek?
Anton Jelinek: The Christian Bohemian who helps the Shimerdas during Mr. Shimerda’s death and burial. He lives in town and later owns a saloon. His cousin, Anton Cuzak, marries Antonia in the end.
What does Ántonia symbolize?
Ántonia as a Symbol She symbolizes the freedom and beauty of the natural landscape in Nebraska.
Who is Pavel and Peter in My Ántonia?
Peter and Pavel are the two Russian farmers who live close to Jim and Ántonia. They are important characters in that they provide another view of the immigrant life.
What does the snake symbolize in My Ántonia?
In My Antonia, Cather uses symbols from nature to express the essential aspects of the lives of the characters. Three of these symbols include the prairie, the sunset and rattlesnakes. The characters’ lives and relationships are formed through these symbols.
What do prairies symbolize?
It is being seen as a symbol of renewal and sustainability and as a reminder of our past mistakes in conservation. In typical midwest- ern fashion, this new symbolic meaning of the prairie is a middle ground with regard to land use, representing a bridge between the extreme positions of non-use and exploitation.
What is the climax of My Antonia?
The closest thing the novel has to a climactic moment is Jim’s reunion with Ántonia, twenty years after their last meeting.
What is the narrator’s function in Cather’s My Antonía?
The narrator of My Antonia is Jim Burden and it is told in the first person. The first person perspective is important because it allows readers… See full answer below.
Who is Pavel and Peter in My Antonia?
Who is Ambrose in My Antonia?
Ambrosch is Ántonia’s oldest brother, and not the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. Jake says it best: “He’s a worker, […] and he’s got some ketch-on about him; but he’s a mean one. Folks can be mean enough to get on in this world; and then, ag’in, they can be too mean” (1.10. 33).
What does the Plough symbolize in My Ántonia?
The plow, which Jim and Ántonia see silhouetted against the enormous setting sun, symbolizes the connection between human culture and the natural landscape. As the sun sets behind the plow, the two elements are combined in a single image of perfect harmony, suggesting that man and nature also coexist harmoniously.
Who is Anton Cuzak?
Cuzak is Ántonia’s husband. Jim approves of Cuzak when he gets to meet him at the end of the novel. Jim thinks that Cuzak and Ántonia get along well together and complement each other.
Who is Wick Cutter in My Antonia?
Jim describes the Cutters as a detestable Black Hawk couple, generally loathed by the populace: Wick Cutter is a devious moneylender who makes his money by manipulating farmers into accepting unwise loans, and Mrs. Cutter is a hideous shrew.
What is the meaning of the poem to make a prairie?
“To make a prairie”, refers on the one hand to the hard practical work done by earnest, well-meaning people. But, with the introduction of “Reverie” Dickinson alludes to the other side of making a prairie—the likelihood that few people in their right minds would undertake to restore a prairie without reverie.
What is another name of prairies?
In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for prairie, like: grassland, plain, field, savanna, meadow, Prarie, steppe, llano, savannah, butte and ranch.
Who is the antagonist in My Antonia?