What is a fast time for Pinewood Derby?
Pinewood Derby Results. The average times with just weight added was 3.288 seconds. There was 0.188 seconds between the fastest and slowest car, about 23 inches. The average time was 2.994 seconds, about 44 inches faster than without graphite (0.353 seconds).
How long does it take to make a CO2 car?
This project is simple, takes about 3-4 hours, and only costs around $10-$20. I did this project in class, and it was a lot of fun! Note: These cars can be dangerous! CO2 cartridges can explode.
What is the fastest CO2 car design?
The recent Braden River High graduate built the fastest CO2 dragster in the nation, racing his way to a first-place finish in the Technology Student Association’s national dragster competition and setting a national record of . 925 seconds on a 65-foot track.
How can I make my CO2 car faster?
Simply put, the less weight your dragster has, the faster it will go. This is the most important factor that will figure into your design. Keep it light! Thrust: The gas escaping from the CO2 cartridge in the car.
What is the fastest pinewood derby car?
The Black PRO Car is our fastest pinewood derby car. It pushes the Speed Limit! It is track-tested car ready to race featuring our race winning PRO friction-free BSA Ultra-Lite graphite-coated wheels and PRO BSA graphite-coated grooved axles. This car is built with Official BSA parts from the Cub Scout pinewood derby car kit.
Who is the founder of pinewood derby?
Founder Randy Davis has a background in engineering and over twenty years of experience with pinewood derby racing. His valuable insight provides builders with everything they need to design race-winning cars every time. To design the fastest pinewood derby car at your next race, you must first understand how these cars work.
How do pinewood derby cars work?
Pinewood derby cars are gravity-powered vehicles that most often start on a sloped track held back by starting pins. When these pins are removed, the cars roll down the track towards the finish line, which is usually positioned at the end of a long, flat section. The only force that can move the car is gravity.
Can you ride on springs in a pinewood derby car?
The car shall not ride on springs. Only official Cub Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby wheels and axles are permitted. Only dry lubricant is permitted. Details, such as steering wheel and driver are permissible as long as these details do not exceed the maximum length, width and weight specifications.