What does a spiral tattoo mean?
The spiral tattoo symbolizes the cycle of life and energy in nature. Such a tattoo indicates the belief of its owner in immortality and reincarnation. The spiral reflects the cyclical nature of the processes occurring in the Universe.
What tattoos did Celts have?
Permanent tattoos were restricted to certain segments of Celtic society the Celts also used temporary tattoos and body paint from the blue woad plant as ritual decoration before going into battle or taking part in certain rituals.
What does a triple spiral tattoo mean?
Many historians state that the Triskele, or Triple Spiral is the oldest symbol of spirituality. The name comes from the Greek words “Tri” and “Skelos,” which, when translated to English, mean “three legs.” In the ancient origins of Irish culture, the Triple Spiral is said to be an important spiritual marking.
What does the triple knot symbol mean?
The three points of the knot symbolizes the three life cycles of a woman in relation to the phases of the moon. In more recent times, when Christian missionaries arrived it became recognized as a symbol for The Holy Trinity meaning ‘The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit’.
What does a Triskele tattoo mean?
The triskelion symbol – a trio of interlocked spirals radiating out from a central point – is associated with concepts of continuous motion and movement; life, death, rebirth, and eternal life; the mind, body, and spirit; and the past, present, and future.
What does a Celtic Spiral Tattoo mean?
Celtic Spiral Tattoos. The spiral is used extensively in prehistoric art, and expresses a sublime mathematical principle that is pleasing and soothing to the eye. The spiral marks the soul’s journey, rising up to heaven like a curl of smoke.
Why did the Celts have tattoos?
The Celtic tribes of the Iron Age brightly dyed their hair and had indigo stained skin from the native Woad plant were prevalent. Tattoos were held over for important rites of passage or for recognition of great valor in battle.
What is a Celtic tribal tattoo?
Contemporary Celtic tribal tattoo often features complex knotwork concepts, a mix of traditional and Christian symbolism, and fierce animal motifs. The Celtic tribes of the Iron Age brightly dyed their hair and had indigo stained skin from the native Woad plant were prevalent.
What is the spiritual meaning of a spiral?
The spiral marks the soul’s journey, rising up to heaven like a curl of smoke. Spirals represent progression through life, a continuous line that shows movement and growth, creating a path through birth/life/death, spirit/mind/body, and past/present/future.