How much does Trapcode plugin cost?
Price: Trapcode Particular is $399, or you can purchase the entire suite for $999 via Red Giant.
Can I buy Trapcode Particular by itself?
Trapcode Particular is a paid After Effects plugin and it is part of the larger Trapcode Suite from Red Giant. While we would definitely recommend checking out the entire Trapcode Suite, you can purchase Trapcode Particular alone for $399.
Can you buy particular on its own?
What is Red Giant used for?
A red giant is a dying star in the final stages of stellar evolution. In about five billion years, our own sun will turn into a red giant, expand and engulf the inner planets — possibly even Earth. What does the future hold for the light of our solar system and others like it?
What is Trapcode particular and how does it work?
Trapcode Particular is one of our favorite plug-ins for After Effects. Unlike the native particle generators in AE, Particular gives users much more control over the particles created. With a little creativity you can use Trapcode Particular to produce some pretty amazing effects. The following video tutorials are a testament to that.
Where can I download Trapcode particular for free?
If you don’t have Trapcode Particular you can download a free trial from Red Giant’s website. 1. Creating Realistic Water Creating realistic water is a huge challenge for VFX artists, but in this short tutorial Dino Muhic shares his workflow for creating a realistic water effect in After Effects using Particular.
Is Trapcode particular just an After Effects plugin?
To say that Trapcode Particular is simply an After Effects Plugin would be an understatement. Trapcode Partciular is a particle generation tool developed by Red Giant that allows users to create 3D particle effects and simulate real-world physics.
Can you make a smoke monster with Trapcode particular?
CREATE A SMOKE MONSTER USING TRAPCODE PARTICULAR This sweet tutorial from Seth Worley shows us how to create a LOST inspired smoke monster using Trapcode Particular. Don’t ask why, ask why not…