How to identify a harper collins first edition?
[Harper & Row changed its name to HarperCollins in 1990]. States “First Edition” and uses a number row which indicates the year of publication and printing (may sometimes fail to remove the “First Edition” statement from later printings).
How do I know if my Scribner is a first edition?
Scribner’s first editions printed through 1929 either have the same date on the title page and the copyright page or have no additional printings indicated on the copyright page. First editions from 1930 to 1973 have an “A” on the copyright page.
What is a gutter code on a book?
Please note that “gutter code” is an informal name used by book collectors. Doubleday and the Science Fiction Book Club (SFBC) have never formally acknowledged their existence. The gutter code is usually a letter followed by two digits. The letter indicates the year and the two digits are the week of the year.
What is Stephen King’s favorite book of his own?
It has become common knowledge for devout King fans that his favorite book he’s ever written is Lisey’s Story. This 2006 novel is very personal for King, as it focuses on his relationship with his wife, Tabitha.
How much is a 1st edition Stephen King book worth?
In any case, for those willing to spend some money on a special King, first editions are available in most places and range from $200 all the way to $2,000—which is the price of the most expensive 1974 first edition of Carrie listed on Amazon (it claims to be new!).
Where is gutter code located?
The gutter code was used by Doubleday, both for their trade and book club printings, from mid-1958 to mid-1987. Collectors have deciphered this code as an indicator of when the book was manufactured. The codes are stamped in the gutter of one of the last printed pages in a publication, usually the last page of text.
What are first edition Stephen King books worth?
How do you tell a first edition?
Look for the Words “First Edition” on the Copyright Page This will fluctuate depending on the publishing house, but most publishers will designate that a book is a first edition on the copyright page.