How many episodes of Closer to Truth?
257Closer to Truth / Number of episodes
How many seasons was Closer to Truth?
20Closer to Truth / Number of seasons
When was Closer to Truth filmed?
Closer to Truth is a television series on public television originally created, produced and hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn. The original series aired in 2000 for two seasons, followed by a second series aired in 2003 for a single season.
Who is the host of Closer to Truth?
Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the creator, writer, host and executive producer of Closer To Truth, the PBS/public television series on cosmos, consciousness and meaning that presents leading scientists, philosophers and creative thinkers discussing fundamental questions.
What is the closer to truth DVD collection?
The Closer To Truth DVD collection features some of our leading contributors from the PBS broadcast. Experience intimate, candid conversations with Nobel laureates and other leading minds within our complete collection of Cosmos, Consciousness, and Meaning DVDs.
How do you close the closer to truth modal?
This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. Created and hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by award-winning producer/director, Peter Getzels, Closer To Truth is a television series about cosmos, consciousness and meaning.
Where can I find the answer to truth?
Helps define the problems those who care enough to inquire about Truth as well as proposing some possible perspectives. The answer to Truth is found in the King James Bible. There are many bibles being use but only one tell the Truth. If you have trouble understanding the Truth, tune into Sonlife Broadcasting on TV or by Roku and the internet.
Where is the truth in the Bible?
The answer to Truth is found in the King James Bible. There are many bibles being use but only one tell the Truth. If you have trouble understanding the Truth, tune into Sonlife Broadcasting on TV or by Roku and the internet.