What is Dampier salt used for?
The salt produced is used by the chemical industry to make products essential for modern life like glass, paper, plastics, textiles and even soaps and detergents. Some of the salt is also used by downstream customers to process foods and de-ice roads.
How hot does it get in Port Hedland?
In Port Hedland, the summers are long, hot, muggy, and partly cloudy and the winters are short, comfortable, dry, windy, and mostly clear. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 58°F to 95°F and is rarely below 51°F or above 102°F.
What is Port Hedland known for?
Two hundred kilometres north of Karratha, Port Hedland is famous for its massive resource industry, long trains, big ships and salt piles.
Is Port Hedland tropical?
Climate. Port Hedland has a hot arid climate (Köppen BWh) although subject to the influence of tropical cyclones. Port Hedland is very warm to sweltering all year round, with mean maximum temperatures of 36.4 °C (97.5 °F) in January and 27.1 °C (80.8 °F) in July.
What is Port Hedland salt used for?
The vast majority goes to the chemical industry, where it’s used as feedstock in the production of caustic soda and chlorine, which in turn are used in the manufacture of such everyday things as PVC, aluminium, pulp and paper, textiles, detergents and pharmaceuticals.
Is there a salt mine in Australia?
Dampier Salt Limited (DSL), located in Western Australia and comprising three solar salt operations – Dampier, Port Hedland and Lake MacLeod – is the world’s largest exporter of seaborne salt, with capacity to produce approximately 10.3 million tonnes every year.
Is there crocodiles in Port Hedland?
A three metre saltwater crocodile has been spotted near a popular swimming hole near Port Hedland. The crocodile was seen by a member of the public at Cooke Point, in the Pretty Pool inlet, in Port Hedland’s east, yesterday morning and they reported it to police.
What is the population of Port Hedland?
The Town of Port Hedland Estimated Resident Population for 2021 is 15,768, with a population density of 0.85 persons per square km. The Town of Port Hedland is located in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia, about 1,800 kilometres north of the Perth CBD.
Is Port Hedland a good place to live?
The Town of Port Hedland includes Port Hedland and South Hedland and has a population of approximately 15,000 people. The Town has a number of quality sporting and recreational facilities, a theatre, art gallery, cafés and restaurants, and is an excellent place for raising new families.
Is Port Hedland or South Hedland better?
Port Hedland is safer than south but not everything gets told in Port Hedland. Port Hedland has alot to offer and not for everyone. Tips for investors = buy establish homes on descent size land, develop or retain, extend and if you want to rent a nice home in port usually the more expensive ones get rented first.
What is it like to live in Port Hedland?
Port Hedland is a strong community based town, with lots of history. There is not too many mine sites available within a short driving distance to home, no flying away from families etc. The local sporting facilities are good and are in the process of upgrade and expansion.
Will a cyclone hit Port Hedland?
Severe tropical cyclone possible for Port Hedland and surrounds in coming days. The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted that Port Hedland and its surrounds may be subject to a severe category three tropical cyclone on Thursday. Ex-tropical cyclone Anika continues to track across the North West Kimberley.
Where does Australia get its salt from?
Today, most Australian salt is produced in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia by Dampier Salt, owned by Rio Tinto. They have three operations located at Dampier, Port Hedland and Lake MacLeod.
How is salt harvested in the Dampier Salt Mines?
And approximately 99% of the energy we use at DSL to grow and process salt comes from the sun and wind: we collect sea water, then concentrate the salt through evaporation before we harvest, wash and transport it to port. All three of the sites at Dampier Salt are recognised as being important to biodiversity.
Can you swim in Port Hedland?
Port Hedland’s beaches are known for being low and calm, making them an ideal swimming spot for all ages. Escape the heat with a trip to Pretty Pool, the area’s most popular swimming hole, which is located at the Discovery Parks – Port Hedland.
Can you swim with saltwater crocodiles?
False – crocodiles are often seen in fast flowing water and are able to move through rapids and even surf. Saltwater crocodiles don’t like beaches and you’re safe to swim there.
Are there crocodiles in Port Hedland?
Is it expensive to live in Port Hedland?
High costs About 240 kilometres east in Port Hedland, the median weekly rent is $1600 a week according to the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia.
Is Port Hedland a nice place to live?
What cyclone alert is Port Hedland on?
RED ALERT – Port Hedland now on Red Alert with Tropical Cyclone Rusty about 195 kms off coast. The town is now in lockdown.