How much does a rescue rabbit cost?
Expect to pay $20-$40 for a rabbit from a pet store, and $5-$20 for a rabbit from a rescue, fair, or 4-H club. Breeders vary in what they charge for their specific breed of rabbit.
Can you adopt just one rabbit?
Rabbits can live alone, but you’ll need to provide your pet with the attention (company, petting, grooming, exercise, playing, and enrichment) that a bonded rabbit partner would provide. It’s always advisable to keep rabbits in pairs. If you can find a pair of rabbits that are already bonded, so much the better.
How can I find a bunny near me?
It’s easy to find an adoptable rabbit To find your local animal shelter, search online (like at To locate a rescue group that specializes in rabbits, contact your local animal shelter or search online through the House Rabbit Society.
Why did Petco stop selling rabbits?
Petco Announces an End to All Rabbit Sales Because PETCO is one of the largest pet supply chains in the United States, its decision to stop all rabbit sales will have an enormous impact on the plight of surplus and homeless rabbits in this country, and HRS applauds PETCO’s intelligent decision.
Will rabbit bite?
Rabbits usually do not bite, but if one does, generally it doesn’t mean that he hates you. There are many reasons that might cause a rabbit to bite; for example, he might bite if you grab at him or surprise him. A rabbit may also accidentally bite while tugging at your pant leg.
Is it cruel to keep a single rabbit?
Bunnies are social animals, and, with a few rare exceptions, they need rabbit company. However, if properly and carefully introduced, some rabbits can bond with other animals, such as cats and dogs. You can also keep a solo rabbit, as long as you provide several hours per day of social interaction.
Are male or female bunnies friendlier?
There is no way to know exactly what your rabbit’s personality is going to be simply because you know their gender. However, typically male rabbits will have more laid back and friendly personalities. If you are looking for a more social or attention seeking rabbit, then a male will probably be better for you.
Does Tractor Supply have baby rabbits?
Tractor Supply Co. Hi Sarah, we do not sell bunnies unfortunately. I rescued some chicks an ducks cause “wow they poop too much!” We are so grateful for our girls!