What does no hub pipe mean?
Intended for use with DWV systems, no-hub couplings are used to join cast iron soil pipe that does not have the traditional Hub and Spigot. They are normally installed using a torque wrench. Generally, they have more clamps and provide a greater band load than standard no-hub couplings.
What does no hub outlet mean?
NO-HUB (NH) (A/K/A Mechanical Joint) The most widely used connection. A No-Hub connection is achieved by butting No Hub soil pipe or plastic pipe to the bottom of the drain and securing it with a NO HUB coupling.
What does hub mean in plumbing?
As previously stated, the hub of the pipe is the female “bell” end of the pipe, which leaves the male end of the pipe the no-hub end. The no-hub connection option is probably the most used by nonprofessionals due to the ease of installation. All that is needed is a no-hub coupling to attach the drain to the pipe.
Can a Fernco be used underground?
Product Details. The Fernco 4 in. Flexible PVC Coupling is tested for underground use. It features a stainless-steel shield and molded-in bushing to provide extra rigidity.
Can you glue ABS to cast iron?
To make it easier to adapt ABS and PVC to cast iron, the ABS and PVC fitting manufacturers created the ABS and PVC No-Hub Adapter fitting. One side glues over ABS or PVC and the other side is the same size as no-hub cast iron pipe.
What is a hub on a roof drain?
HUB OUTLET (OUTSIDE CAULK OUTLET): A drain connection, usually on side outlet drains, where plain end of drain pipe is inserted and a seal is made either by caulking or by using a compression gasket. This type of outlet is the opposite of the inside caulk outlet.
What is a hub fitting?
Hub – a type of DWV fitting end that allows pipe to slide into the end. ID – (Inside Diameter) the greatest distance between the two inside walls of a piece of pipe. IPS – (Iron Pipe Size) a common sizing system used for PVC pipe, also known as Ductile Iron Pipe Standard or Nominal Pipe Size Standard.
Can you bury Fernco couplings in concrete?
A unshielded fernco should never be buried. Instead use a shielded coupling that is meant for direct burial in dwv.
What is a no hub pipe coupling?
No-Hub Couplings. Engineered to connect no-hub cast iron pipe. The No-Hub Coupling has a patented shield design that provides maximum transfer of pressure from the clamps to the gasket and pipe. Engineered to connect no-hub cast iron pipe in applications, replacing the less-efficient hub and spigot.
How do you connect no hub fittings?
They are also known as no-hub pipe fittings and soil pipe fittings. To connect, place the end of the fitting against your pipe or another fitting and connect with a low-pressure clamp-on connector (sold separately). The clamp-on connector is also known as a no-hub coupling.
What is the difference between flexible and no hub fittings?
The flexible rubber coupling may have a ridge or ridges molded to hold the clamp in the proper position. No hub fittings meet requirements for more stringent applications and to meet certain plumbing codes. In general, the synthetic rubber sleeve in a no hub coupling is thicker and more durable than those in flexible couplings.
What is the difference between clamp-on connector and no-hub coupling?
The clamp-on connector is also known as a no-hub coupling. Fittings are for use in noncorrosive environments. Inline tee reducing adapters are also known as branch tees.