What is the Army regulation for failure to report?
Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), any member of the armed forces can be punished for failure to report for duty if prosecutors can show that he or she, without authority: Failed to go to his or her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed; Went from his or her appointed place of duty; or.
How long can a Soldier be flagged for adverse action?
Active flags will then be reviewed and validated at least monthly by a soldier’s unit commander, and by the battalion-level commander when the flag has been in place for more than six months. Flags will be removed within three working days after a soldier’s status changes from unfavorable to favorable.
What is AEA Code W on ERB?
organizational stabilization
Army HRC on Twitter: “Changes to AEA code “W” (organizational stabilization) is now restricted to HRC input only.
What happens if you are flagged in the army?
Paragraph 1-14 in AR 600-8-2 lists various favorable actions that are prohibited when a Solider is flagged. Some of these prohibitions include: promotion or re-evaluation for promotion; awards and decorations; bonus payments; re-enlistment and/or extension; and retirement.
What is Article 92 UCMJ?
Article 92 defines disobeying a direct order as three types of offenses – violations or failures to obey lawful general orders or regulations, failures to obey other lawful orders, and dereliction of duty.
What does AEA code N mean?
Assignment Eligibility Availability (AEA) Codes K – Soldiers returning from an OCONUS deployment of 61 to 139 days. L – Soldiers eligible for PCS reassignment, subject to normal time on station restrictions. N – Soldiers that are currently deployed.
What does AEA code l mean?
Research into the code itself revealed it stands for “no restrictions on reassignment”.
Can you still get promoted if your flagged?
Answer: Yes. If a Soldier is flagged the PPW system will remove the Soldier from the promotion standing list and place the Soldier into a NOT Eligible status.
How can I legally get out of the Army?
Here are four types of early outs:
- Conscientious Objector Discharge.
- Early Release for Education.
- Military Hardship Discharges.
- Convenience of the Government.
- Military Service Commitments.
What does Army flag Code KA mean?
c. “Noncompliance with Army Body Composition Program” (Flag code K). The effective date of the Flag is the date that the Soldier was found to be in noncompliance with AR 600–9.