How do I equip costumes in Persona 4 Golden?
From the main menu, go to Equipment, then go to the Clothing option. Select that and you’ll see a menu of all the clothes you’ve unlocked so far, and you can equip whichever one you want. Your character’s appearance will only change when you’re within the TV world.
How do you get Mondo stone?
To get this stone, you’ll need to visit the Lady in White at night near Tatsuhime Shrine in the Central Shopping District. She’s not there every night, but when she appears, you’ll need to trade her 1 Samegawa Guardian that you’ve fished from the river and she will give you the Mondo Stone.
How much does p4g cost?
Just announced at the digital broadcast of the PC Gaming Show, Persona 4 Golden is available now worldwide for PC on Steam for $19.99! A Digital Deluxe Edition is also available so players can celebrate their return to Inaba in style.
How do I get a Samegawa guardian?
The Samegawa’s Guardian is simply called the Guardian in-game. The fish can be caught on rainy days or any day during the month of December. To catch the fish, you’ll need the Inaba Jewel Beetle bait which can be acquired by catching bugs at Tatsuhime Shrine in early August or — more prolifically — later in the game.
Can you catch the sea guardian?
To catch the Sea Guardian itself, you’ll need to have the bait Genji Beetle’. You can purchase 2 of these beetles from Tanaka’s Amazing Commodities on August 22nd (8/22), or just catch them like the other bugs.
Can you catch the river guardian at night?
(See the Fishing page to find out how to obtain a rod and bait.) However, if you’ve waited until after December the Guardian can also be caught at any point in the snow or at night during January.
Can you get costumes in Persona 4 Golden?
Yes No Hide Persona 4 Golden introduced a feature not present in the original PS2 version of the game: the ability to equip your party with costumes.There is a large variety of these costumes in the game, and the aim of this guide is to assist the player in collecting all of them.
What level is Izanagi in one piece?
” Izanagi (イザナギ, Izanagi) is a Level 1 Persona of the Fool Arcana, and the initial Persona of the protagonist.
How to obtain Izanagi-no-Okami?
How to Obtain Izanagi-no-Okami is the only Persona in The World arcana and thusly, it cannot be found in a dungeon and must be fused using a Dodecagon special fusion (meaning “twelve”). You can only fuse Izanagi-no-Okami once you have completely finished the game once and received the True Ending. It cannot be fused on your first playthough.
How do I fuse Izanagi-no-Okami?
Izanagi-no-Okami is the only Persona in The World arcana and thusly, it cannot be found in a dungeon and must be fused using a Dodecagon special fusion (meaning “twelve”). You can only fuse Izanagi-no-Okami once you have completely finished the game once and received the True Ending. It cannot be fused on your first playthough.