What is a 3904 transistor?
The 2N3904 is an extremely popular NPN transistor that is used as a simple electronic switch or amplifier that can handle 200 mA (absolute maximum) and frequencies as high as 100 MHz when used as an amplifier.
What is VBB transistor?
VBB is the base voltage of a bipolar junction transistor, in other words, the voltage that falls across the base of the transistor. VBB is an important value of a transistor because in order to find the quiescient current of the transistor, IEQ, VBB must be known.
What is a bc108 transistor used for?
Uses: As current amplifiers and electronic switches, for example LED Drive Amplifiers, Relay Drive Amplifiers, Audio Amplifiers. Data: Voltage between Collector and Emitter 3 – 20Volts max. Power handling capacity 100 mWatts max.
What do the numbers mean on transistors?
The letter is always ‘N’, and the first digit is 1 for diodes, 2 for transistors, 3 for four-leaded devices, and so forth. But 4N and 5N are reserved for opto-couplers. The sequential numbers run from 100 to 9999 and indicate the approximate time the device was first made.
What is VBB and VCC?
VCC= DC voltage at the collector w.r.t ground. VCE= DC voltage between collector and emitter w.r.t ground. VBB=DC voltage at the base w.r.t ground. VBE= DC voltage b/w base and emitter w.r.t ground.
Is BC108 NPN or PNP?
NPN bipolar junction
The BC107, BC108 and BC109 are general-purpose low power silicon NPN bipolar junction transistors found very often in equipment and electronics books/articles from Europe, Australia and many other countries from the 1960s. They were created by Philips and Mullard in 1963 and introduced in April 1966.
How are transistors rated?
Just like resistors, transistors are rated for how many watts each can safely dissipate without sustaining damage. High temperature is the mortal enemy of all semiconductor devices, and bipolar transistors tend to be more susceptible to thermal damage than most.
Where is BC547 transistor?
Amazon.in: bc547 transistor.
What is the value of ICEO?
Iceo= Icbo/(1-α) where Iceo is collector-emitter reversed current when Ib=0, Icbo is collector-base reversed current when Ie=0.
What is the significance of ICEO?
The dc current into the collector terminal when it is biased in the reverse direction* with respect to the emitter terminal, and the base terminal is, respectively, open-circuited. short-circuited to the emitter terminal.
What is indicated by BC and 107 in BC107?
B- stands for Silicon Transistor C for- Audio Frequency Range. 107 – — Simple home/ experiment use.
What are transistor parameters?
TRANSISTOR PARAMETERSt Parameters are simply numerical constants which relate currents and potentials in a device. For example in a triode there are 3 para- meteres namely, the plate resistance (rp), the transconductance (gm) and the amplification factor (~). These are also known as valve constants.