What is the message of Sri Aurobindo?
At Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo developed a spiritual practice he called Integral Yoga. The central theme of his vision was the evolution of human life into a divine life in divine body. He believed in a spiritual realisation that not only liberated but transformed human nature, enabling a divine life on earth.
What is spirituality according to Aurobindo?
Spirituality is in its essence an awakening to the innerreality of our being, to a spirit, self, soul which is other than our mind, life and body, an inner aspiration to know, to feel, to be that, to enter into contact with the greater Reality beyond and pervading the universe which inhabits also our own being,to be in …
When mind is still then Truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence?
“True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become.” “There is nothing mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind’s immobility and thought-free stillness. When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.”
What are three phases of reality according to Aurobindo?
Sri Aurobindo discerns three types of being: the Outer being, the Inner being, and the Psychic Being.
Was Sri Aurobindo enlightened?
Sri Aurobindo was a great intellectual, a very convincing, rational philosophical genius. He convinced many people, and those many people convinced him that he was enlightened. He knows nothing of enlightenment. It is true that there is something more in existence than the enlightenment Gautam the Buddha achieved.
What does Sri Aurobindo say about the first phase of the Renaissance in India?
Sri Aurobindo explains that a renaissance in India means first the recovery of the past spiritual knowledge and experience in all its fullness, then the outpouring of this spirituality into new forms in all aspects of the country’s life, and lastly, an original grasp of modern problems from an Indian temperament and …
What is the higher mind According to Aurobindo?
Hence the next hierarchical conversion of “Mind” into “Higher Mind”. Aurobindo says that the Higher Mind is a first plane of spiritual consciousness where one becomes constantly and closely aware of the one everywhere and knows and sees things habituaally with that awareness.
Who is the mother of the yoga?
The experiences of the last thirty years of Mother life were captured in the 13-volume work Mother’s Agenda by Satprem, who was one of her followers….
Mirra Alfassa | |
Born | Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa 21 February 1878 Paris, France |
Died | 17 November 1973 (aged 95) Pondicherry, India |
Resting place | Pondicherry, India |
Why is Aurobindo yoga called Integral?
The whole principle of Integral Yoga is to give oneself entirely to the Divine alone and to nobody else, and to bring down into ourselves by union with the Divine Mother all the transcendent light, power, wideness, peace, purity, truth-consciousness and Ananda of the Supramental Divine.
What are the major issue in the poetry of Sri Aurobindo?
The poetry of Sri Aurobindo The central theme of his vision was the evolution of human life into a divine life in divine body. He believed in a spiritual realisation that not only liberated but transformed human nature, enabling a divine life on earth.
Who is considered as the father of Indian renaissance?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Raja Ram Mohan Roy: Remembering Raja Ram Mohan Roy on his 246th birth anniversary – Father of the Indian Renaissance | The Economic Times.
What is called Indian renaissance?
The Renaissance in India is generally considered as the pre-political phase of the anti-colonial struggle. It’s a period when Indians were mainly engaged in social and cultural preparation for participation in more progressive, radical, and political programmes.
What are the four layers of the human mind According to Aurobindo?
Sri Aurobindo describes four layers of mind namely: chitta, manas, buddhi and intuition. Chitta is the storehouse of memory and it serves as the foundation of all other layers.
Why is Aurobindo philosophy idealistic?
In the broad sense Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy can be called idealistic. Firstly, it conceives reality as spiritual and secondly, it fixes up an ideal for mankind towards which all human efforts have to be directed. But his philosophy can never be said as Monism.
Who created yoga?
Yoga was refined and developed by Rishis (sages) who documented their practices and beliefs in the Upanishads, a huge work containing over 200 scriptures. Yoga is amongst the six schools of philosophy in Hinduism, and is also a major part of Buddhism and its meditation practices.