What is an example of sanctimonious?
The definition of sanctimonious involves making a big show about how you are better or morally superior to others. An example of sanctimonious is someone who always goes on and on about how he does tons of charity work and is such a great person.
What does it mean when a person is sanctimonious?
hypocritically pious or devout
Definition of sanctimonious 1 : hypocritically pious or devout a sanctimonious moralist the king’s sanctimonious rebuke— G. B. Shaw. 2 obsolete : possessing sanctity : holy.
Is sanctimonious a negative word?
If you say that someone is sanctimonious, you disapprove of them because you think that they are trying to appear morally better than other people. He writes smug, sanctimonious rubbish. You sanctimonious little hypocrite!
What is the synonym of sanctimonious?
In this page you can discover 30 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sanctimonious, like: self-righteous, holier-than-thou, condescending, pecksniffian, pharisaic, preachy, pietistic, hypocritical, humble, modest and sycophantic.
What’s the opposite of sanctimonious?
Opposite of making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically. forthright. honest. humble. meek.
How do you deal with a sanctimonious person?
When confronted by them, don’t give them what they want. You may agree with them, disagree with them, kind of sympathize with them- just don’t show it or say anything. Let your silence and inaction speak for itself. Because whether or not you agree or disagree, your reaction props them up, validates them.
How do you call someone sanctimonious?
- deceitful,
- devious,
- dishonest,
- false,
- untruthful.
What is the opposite of sanctimonious?
Antonyms. impious worldly wicked profane impiety irreligious piety. pharisaic holier-than-thou self-righteous pharisaical pious.
What’s a mealy mouthed?
Definition of mealymouthed : not plain and straightforward : devious a mealymouthed politician.
What would a sanctimonious person say?
If you say that someone is sanctimonious, you disapprove of them because you think that they are trying to appear morally better than other people. He writes smug, sanctimonious rubbish.
How do I stop being sanctimonious?
Focus on common ground. If you dwell on all the ways someone is different from you, you might end up feeling like you’re better than them. Instead, try to find ways you’re alike. When you feel like someone is “on your team,” even in a small way, you’re less likely to feel self-righteous towards them.
What is pell mell?
pell-mell \pel-MEL\ adverb. 1 : in mingled confusion or disorder. 2 : in confused haste.
What is a self-righteous person called?
complacent, egotistical, hypocritical, pious, sanctimonious, affected, canting, goody-goody, holier-than-thou, noble, pharisaic, pietistic, preachy, self-satisfied, superior.
What is the meaning of Hotfoot?
hotfoot. noun. plural hotfoots. Definition of hotfoot (Entry 3 of 3) : a practical joke in which a match is surreptitiously inserted between the upper and the sole of a victim’s shoe and lighted.
What does play fast and loose mean?
Definition of play fast and loose : to behave in a clever and dishonest way —usually + with He was accused of playing fast and loose with the truth.
What means baleful?
Definition of baleful 1 : deadly or pernicious in influence baleful effects. 2 : foreboding or threatening evil gave him a baleful look.
What does Katty mean?
If you act catty, you’re malicious or snotty toward other people. The adjective is unfortunately used more often to describe females than males, but anyone who treats people nastily can be called catty. The word was originally cattish, with the same meaning — and earlier, it simply meant “pertaining to cats.”
What is a hot foot on a boat?
The Original and ONLY real HOT FOOT™ Throttle This throttle allows you to drive your boat like you do your car. You keep both hands on the wheel and control the throttle with your foot. The throttle returns to idle if you remove your foot. This throttle is a must-have for safe operation of high performance boats.