What should not be planted next to brussel sprouts?
Keep Brussels sprout plants away from tomatoes and pole beans, too. Cabbage crops contain plant chemicals that inhibit tomato growth, as well as other nightshades like eggplants and peppers.
What should not be planted by cabbage?
These Plants Are Bad Neighbors For Cabbage:
- Mustard plants.
- Strawberries.
- Tomatoes.
- Grapes.
- Pole beans.
What can you companion plant with cabbage?
Plants like chamomile, wormwood, chives, summer savory, coriander, tansy, yarrow, dill, mint, thyme, hyssop, chervil, geranium, rue, sage, and oregano are all very beneficial companion plants to cabbage.
What can you plant between brussel sprouts plants to protect them from late season aphids?
Brussels Sprouts Companions Plants that attract insects beneficial to Brussels sprouts include nasturtium and basil. Nasturtium also repels squash bugs, white flies and some species of aphids.
What grows well next to brussel sprouts?
6 Plants to Grow With Brussels Sprouts
- Dill and other aromatic herbs, like rosemary, sage, oregano, and mint, lure leaf-chewing cabbage worms—which mature into white cabbage moths.
- Basil repels thrips, which suck out of the juices of young sprout leaves.
What is the secret to growing brussel sprouts?
Brussels sprouts thrive in full sun, and in rich, consistently moist soil. Because Brussels sprouts and other plants in the cabbage family (such as kale, collards, or broccoli) are susceptible to such a wide range of soil-borne diseases, it’s a good idea to rotate among various areas of the garden each season.
What can I plant next to brussel sprouts?
6 Plants to Grow With Brussels Sprouts
- Dill and other aromatic herbs, like rosemary, sage, oregano, and mint, lure leaf-chewing cabbage worms—which mature into white cabbage moths.
- Basil repels thrips, which suck out of the juices of young sprout leaves.
What vegetables can be planted with cabbage?
Carrots, beets, onions, and parsnips make good cabbage companion plants too. That’s because they help unearth nutrients from the soil with their tubers or taproots. As they grow, they pull nutrients up to the top layer of the soil and feed them to plants with more shallow roots, like brussels sprouts and cabbage.
Where should I plant cabbage in my garden?
Like most vegetables, cabbage needs at least 6 hours of full sun each day; more is better. It also needs fertile, well-drained, moist soil with plenty of rich organic matter. The soil pH should be between 6.5 and 6.8 for optimum growth and to discourage clubroot disease.
Can you plant broccoli and cabbage together?
In small gardens, it is sometimes impossible to keep cabbage and broccoli apart. If the soil is rich and fertile, it is possible to grow these two vegetables together. Top-dress the soil with compost or fish emulsion every few weeks to ensure there are enough nutrients for both vegetables to grow without problems.
Can you plant zucchini next to brussel sprouts?
Kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are members of the brassica family and shouldn’t be planted anywhere near your zucchini plants.
How far apart should I plant brussel sprouts?
Brussels sprouts get large, so they need to be about 18 to 24 inches apart in a row or bed. If planted in rows, space rows 30 inches apart to give yourself enough room to walk. Don’t let seedlings sit around for long, dry out, or get stunted in their pack.
Do brussel sprouts need to be supported?
It is not necessary to stake Brussels sprouts at the time of planting. If you find that maturing plants are getting top-heavy and prone to flopping over, stake each plant individually with a thick bamboo stake, wooden stake, or piece of rebar and a loose piece of twine.
How much space do Brussel Sprouts need?
about 18 to 24 inches apart
Brussels sprouts get large, so they need to be about 18 to 24 inches apart in a row or bed. If planted in rows, space rows 30 inches apart to give yourself enough room to walk. Don’t let seedlings sit around for long, dry out, or get stunted in their pack.
How far apart do you plant cabbage?
Spacing Requirements Sow seeds ¼ inch deep. Space cabbages at least 24-36 inches apart in even spacing or 12-14 inches apart in rows spaced 36-44 inches apart.
What month do you plant cabbage?
Plant fall cabbage 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost. Growing plants that have been exposed to cool weather become “hardened” and are tolerant of frost. Cabbage that matures in cool weather is deliciously sweet. Like most vegetables, cabbage needs at least 6 hours of full sun each day; more is better.
How far apart should I plant cabbage?
Can I plant broccoli cabbage and cauliflower together?
Broccoli and cauliflower must stay at least 3 feet (90 cm) apart to grow well. As brassicas, they will compete for resources if spaced too close together. Both plants are heavy feeders that benefit from regular fertilizer treatments. Brassicas tend to attract the same pests, including cabbage loopers and aphids.
What grows well with Brussels sprouts?
Garlic and other alliums like leeks, shallots, and onions also enhance the sweetness of mature Brussels sprouts. Geraniums and nasturtiums repel all things that harm brassicas—cabbage worms, cabbage loopers, and flea beetles among them—with their peppery, astringent scent.